AQ Gate-Opening Event

In this thread you will discuss your thoughts on the event to open the gates of AQ.

For those that are not familiar with this, "Players will have to complete a world event of massive proportions before they can open the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj on their realm."

I was excited to discover what this "world event of massive proportions" was. I was thinking it would be some huge epic battle out in silithus, or maybe even all over the entire world, with bugs spawning out of the ground and hive queens leading swarms in attacks against cities, or some cool shit like that.

Instead, we are given the task of collecting a retarded amount of retarded shit. It's a money and time sink, possibly greater than anything to ever come out of EQ. How much stuff do you have to turn in, exactly?

For horde:


80,000 Thick Leather

60,000 Heavy Leather

60,000 Rugged Leather


96,000 Peacebloom

19,000 Firebloom

26,000 Purple Lotus


90,000 Copper Bars

22,000 Tin Bars

18,000 Mithril Bars


10,000 Lean Wolf Steak

10,000 Baked Salmon

17,000 Spotted Yellowtail


250,000 Wool Bandages

250,000 Mageweave Bandages

400,000 Runecloth Bandages


I don't have what alliance needs written down, but it's mostly the same and also stupidly big. BOTH factions have to finish their quests before the AQ gates will open. This means that if you're on one of those servers that has like.... five level 60 horde, then you are shit out of luck because they arent getting that shit done any time soon. Luckily, the gates will open by themselves after one month, so eventually everyone will get a chance to go to AQ.

It's bullshit. A terribly designed, boring "event" that is in no way inspiring. I honestly cannot think of a lamer way for them to do this. "Thanks for the kingsblood, gates are open now!" Fucking weak.

It has also clusterfucked the economy. I have to by my runecloth for bandaids now because it is 5g a stack and I'd go through 30g a night.

Mileron 19 years ago
It's bullshit. A terribly designed, boring "event" that is in no way inspiring. I honestly cannot think of a lamer way for them to do this. "Thanks for the kingsblood, gates are open now!" Fucking weak.

It has also clusterfucked the economy. I have to by my runecloth for bandaids now because it is 5g a stack and I'd go through 30g a night.

It makes sense, though, and it's only the first part of the opening.

As far as the economy, you're actually using RC for bandages? Geez, man. Kiss a mage's ass for food/water and sell the RC. And why buy it in the AH? I get 2-3 stacks in an hour in the Plaguelands.
Jinheim 19 years ago
It makes sense, though, and it's only the first part of the opening.

As far as the economy, you're actually using RC for bandages? Geez, man. Kiss a mage's ass for food/water and sell the RC. And why buy it in the AH? I get 2-3 stacks in an hour in the Plaguelands.

You don't use bandages? Bet you're REAL effective in PvP.

Anyways, I meant I have to farm it now, not buy it. It's still a waste of time.
Mileron 19 years ago
You don't use bandages? Bet you're REAL effective in PvP.

If I lived long enough to bandage, I'd use them. I've had the same stack of 20 heavy RC for over a month.
Keriath 19 years ago
Jin that is not all that is required

Not even close. There is several world wide encounters. On my server Fire of Heaven is well under way. Go read there boards and check out the shit they have done already. Its just one part of the opening. They have done three diff unique events so far, And once the gates are open you will not be able to do them anymore supposedly. But yeah i kinda like the whole idea. You also know that for the shit you turn in you get a token. WHich you turn in for a 75 rep to any of the four main factions and a chance at a blue / green items. Dunno about epics haven't seen / heard of one yet. My guild serverwide for horde we come in about third and have thrown our shit in with FoH bc the number 2 guild is a bunch of fags.
Vulash 19 years ago
The #3 guild on our server is trying to "glory" it up and be the ones to do it - they rushed for the first part and then tried to spin it publicly that we were only wanting to do it cause of our epeen. Anyway - now like most guilds are helping them and one is helping us and we are neck in neck. Problem is THEY CAN"T KILL SHIT - so they'll get stuck when they have to kill eranikus or nef for the end of the quest and like 8 guilds efforts are wasted. Oh they did try Eranikus with 400 people but failed.

/wave Ladase.
Runyan 19 years ago
Some guild already has it open I believe, forgot what server

someone had pre-infoz
Maeya 19 years ago
I think the whole concept is neat, but I don't like how people are getting really snotty about the item turnins. There's people on my server making these big long bitchy posts about how people need to contribute more. Uhm.. if you are paying my monthly fee, then you may tell me where my time and tradeskill supplies are going. If you do not pay my monthly fee, then fuck off. I'm having a hard enough time trying to get my leatherworking up without competing with every pumped up jackass trying to increase his epeen by bragging how much leather he's donated. Mobs are scarce and people get shitty with others for not donating their supplies.

Jinheim 19 years ago
Some guild already has it open I believe, forgot what server

someone had pre-infoz

Anulien 19 years ago
Tonight we have to clear BWL in 5 hours to finish red scale quest.
Mirabela 19 years ago
AH is that why the price of runecloth is ridiculously expensive right now ?
Aramous 19 years ago
AH is that why the price of runecloth is ridiculously expensive right now ?

Cobert 19 years ago