Favorite cheesy ass movie you're ashamed to admit

Jason X. And shut up.

Mai 19 years ago
Heather's rocked!

"Veronica, you look like Hell."

"Yeah, I just got back."

Lost Boys was another good one.
Addi 19 years ago
"What's your damage?"

I think I could go on forever with Heathers quotes...but anyways heck yea Lost Boys Rocked!!!
Addi 19 years ago
"What's your damage?"

I think I could go on forever with Heathers quotes...but anyways heck yea Lost Boys Rocked!!!
Mylec 19 years ago
I'm Gonna Git You, Sucka

"I was Pimp of the Year..."

My bitch betta have my money,
Through rain, sleet and snow

That bitch betta have my money,
Not part, not half, but ALL my cash
And if she don't,
I'ma put my foot dead in her ass!

True poetry like that is so rare...and where else have you seen a pimp with fishbowls for heels in his shoes? Definitely Keenan's best work. Ranks right up there with...ah, hell, that one Robert Townsend movie...Hollywood Shuffle I think it was called. Haven't seen that in ages!
Mylec 19 years ago
I'm Gonna Git You, Sucka

"I was Pimp of the Year..."

My bitch betta have my money,
Through rain, sleet and snow

That bitch betta have my money,
Not part, not half, but ALL my cash
And if she don't,
I'ma put my foot dead in her ass!

True poetry like that is so rare...and where else have you seen a pimp with fishbowls for heels in his shoes? Definitely Keenan's best work. Ranks right up there with...ah, hell, that one Robert Townsend movie...Hollywood Shuffle I think it was called. Haven't seen that in ages!
Sergon 19 years ago
I'm Gonna Git You, Sucka

"I was Pimp of the Year..."

My bitch betta have my money,
Through rain, sleet and snow

That bitch betta have my money,
Not part, not half, but ALL my cash
And if she don't,
I'ma put my foot dead in her ass!

True poetry like that is so rare...and where else have you seen a pimp with fishbowls for heels in his shoes? Definitely Keenan's best work. Ranks right up there with...ah, hell, that one Robert Townsend movie...Hollywood Shuffle I think it was called. Haven't seen that in ages!

I loved this movie. It's a modern classic and yes I even have my own theme song.

Sergon 19 years ago
I'm Gonna Git You, Sucka

"I was Pimp of the Year..."

My bitch betta have my money,
Through rain, sleet and snow

That bitch betta have my money,
Not part, not half, but ALL my cash
And if she don't,
I'ma put my foot dead in her ass!

True poetry like that is so rare...and where else have you seen a pimp with fishbowls for heels in his shoes? Definitely Keenan's best work. Ranks right up there with...ah, hell, that one Robert Townsend movie...Hollywood Shuffle I think it was called. Haven't seen that in ages!

I loved this movie. It's a modern classic and yes I even have my own theme song.

Sergon 19 years ago
Oh and I went as Fly Guy for Halloween one year. I couldn't find any shoes with aquariums in the heel The outfit still owned.

Sergon 19 years ago
Oh and I went as Fly Guy for Halloween one year. I couldn't find any shoes with aquariums in the heel The outfit still owned.

Pigfoot 19 years ago
High School High with John Lovitz
Pigfoot 19 years ago
High School High with John Lovitz
Adiene 19 years ago
Down Parascope
Oh and Goonies!

They aren't "Cheesy" to me but
Super troopers! duh...
Van Wilder (I <3 Ryan!!)

who said big trouble in little china! lol man I haven't seen that movie in five forevers~! lol good one tho

Mai, Lost boys was like my favoritest movie in the world for a looooooong time . I used to watch it daily.... I think it was the one movie that turned me into the vamp fanatic that I am today lol =[)
Adiene 19 years ago
Down Parascope
Oh and Goonies!

They aren't "Cheesy" to me but
Super troopers! duh...
Van Wilder (I <3 Ryan!!)

who said big trouble in little china! lol man I haven't seen that movie in five forevers~! lol good one tho

Mai, Lost boys was like my favoritest movie in the world for a looooooong time . I used to watch it daily.... I think it was the one movie that turned me into the vamp fanatic that I am today lol =[)
Mai 19 years ago
So how have you not been seduced into joining us on the dark side that is Sanguine Affliction?
Mai 19 years ago
So how have you not been seduced into joining us on the dark side that is Sanguine Affliction?
Xandare 19 years ago
Enter The Ninja!
what more can I say that the main characters 70 mustach and chest hair don't..
other than "Wheres my Black Ninja?! I want my Black Ninja Nooooooow!"
Xandare 19 years ago
Enter The Ninja!
what more can I say that the main characters 70 mustach and chest hair don't..
other than "Wheres my Black Ninja?! I want my Black Ninja Nooooooow!"
FyreGarnett 19 years ago
The first one that came to mind was Big Trouble in Little China (Kurt Russell just cracked me up in that one ~ and the acting was so over the top!!!)...

Then Princess Bride....

I am not ashamed to say that Practical Magic, though, is my favorite movie, period... (though I am ashamed to say I read the book last year ~ which I highly recommend skipping i you love/like this move... seriously)
Sangre 18 years ago
Argggh I would have to say Empire Records...

it's cheese so good...
Sangre 18 years ago
Down Parascope
Oh and Goonies!

They aren't "Cheesy" to me but
Super troopers! duh...
Van Wilder (I <3 Ryan!!)

who said big trouble in little china! lol man I haven't seen that movie in five forevers~! lol good one tho

Mai, Lost boys was like my favoritest movie in the world for a looooooong time . I used to watch it daily.... I think it was the one movie that turned me into the vamp fanatic that I am today lol =[)

I have never seen Goonies. People freak out when they hear that but it's true. I have never seen Ghostbusters 1 or 2 and I have never seen Pretty Woman, either.