Favorite cheesy ass movie you're ashamed to admit

Jason X. And shut up.

Lessa 18 years ago
hmm.. Princess Bride is one of my favorites.. Robin Hood - Men in Tights too... or maybe its just Carey Elwes /drool
jadephyre 18 years ago
Tron... i'd only say cheesy because it's so old
FyreGarnett 17 years ago
practical magic & princess bride are not cheesy!!!

though i have to admit that George of the Jungle and Oscar are in my dvd collection....
Vex 17 years ago
hmm.. Princess Bride is one of my favorites.. Robin Hood - Men in Tights too... or maybe its just Carey Elwes /drool

ok, so i KNEW i recognized this guy from Saw somewhere. I always thought he was cute in Princess Bride...

aaaaas yooooou wiiiiiish!


i just realized he was in so many movies.

THE CRUSH? gawd.

kiss the girls.

Den 17 years ago
Tron! OMG I so loved that movie and forgot all about it. (puts on my dvd to buy list)
And just because its old???? :P Age doesn't make a movie cheesy! lol Though you may be correct in that it might not translate or hold up well to today's standards...but I don't care, I'm going to buy it anyway. One day when I have grandchildren, they can laugh their asses off watching it.
FyreGarnett 17 years ago
Shay, my kids, all under 10, did. it was sad when i think back to how "high tech" this was when i saw it int he theater!!!
Sergon 17 years ago
I own The Princess Bride on DVD and Im not ashamed to admit it. Carey Elwes has been in many many movies.

Liar Liar
Bram Stokers Dracula
Oxford Blues
The X Files (TV Show)

Kelefane 17 years ago
I own The Princess Bride on DVD and Im not ashamed to admit it. Carey Elwes has been in many many movies.

Liar Liar
Bram Stokers Dracula
Oxford Blues
The X Files (TV Show)


Nothing cheesy about X Files =D
Sergon 17 years ago
I was referring to other shows and movies Carey Elwes was in.

Drewe 16 years ago
Clueless -- cheesy but I love it and own a copy!

Cat's Eye was kinda cheesy for a Stephen King movie but I thought it was good

Peggy Sue Got Married -- Nick Cage was such a dork in that movie -- but still hawt!

Smokey and the Bandit -- in retrospect, McCheese indeed!
FyreGarnett 16 years ago
I LOVE Clue!!! (And yes - I own a copy.... *blush*)
Mileron 16 years ago
I can't believe I never actually contributed to this.

The Wizard - you know, the one from the late 80s with Fred Savage and the "movie release" of Super Mario Bros. 3
Space Camp
Super Mario Bros. (the movie.)
Zathura. (I thought I'd hate it as much as I had Jumanji but it was actually decent.)
Santa Claus the Movie (the one from the mid-80s with Dudley Moore)

A lot of the others are listed here.
quiarrah 14 years ago
How about "Flash Dance" ? 80's ish
Dia 14 years ago
Hot Rod

I know it's a newer movie but it's pretty terribly and cheesy but fn hilarious. I giggle non stop throughout
Ewokzombie (MrE1967) 14 years ago
1. Rocky Horror Picture Show
2. Evil Dead
3. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
4. Killer Klowns From Outer Space
5. Eight Legged Freaks
6. Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
7. Dark Star
8. Dead Alive
9. Murder by Death
10. Return of the Living Dead
Sebastionleo 14 years ago
Howard the Duck!
Miralyssa Viamorte 12 years ago
Groundhog day

whoa, what is cheesy about Groundhog Day? Great flick!
Miralyssa Viamorte 12 years ago
Nalla Trueheart;3003
OK I misread the title and missed the Favorite part somehow. lol

I thought it was just cheesy movies.

My fave cheesy movie? hmm. Any old slapstick comedy or anything by Mel Brooks. Mel Brooks rocks <3 <3<3 <3

Blazing Saddles perhaps?
Miralyssa Viamorte 12 years ago
My favorite "cheesy" movie (even though I dont think its cheesy and am not ashamed of it) is Heathers. Its fucking hilarious...what other movie to get classic quotes like "fuck me gently with a chainsaw", /choke..."CORN NUTS" /crash dead though glass coffee table and "shower nozzle masterbation material for weeks" and "oh great the beavers home" and lastly but certainly not least "I love my dead gay son!". My best friend since Kindergarten still to this day recite the movie back and forth to eachother and crack up laughing.

"You were nothing before you met me. You were a brownie, a girl scout cookie. I got you into a Remington party and what's my thanks? It's on the hallway carpet, I got paid in PUKE"

"Like it up baby...like...it...up"