Would anyone be interested in doing an art exchange with me? I'd prefer a 3d artist since I don't have any 3d sigs of Aira, my dwarf hunter. Nevermind that fact that I don't ever recall seeing a 3d rendering of a female dwarf.
I mainly do pixel art (dolls) and screenshot manipulations. I know that 3d rendering is a lot of work so I'd do a doll and screenshot sig for anyone interested.
SMMO is down at the moment so I can't grab my character info from there but once it comes back up in a few hours I'll post my info in the character thread.
If anyone is interested just let me know. I'm open for 2 people since I'm just now getting back into the swing of things.
Examples of my work can be found here:
Dolls/Pixels -
Screenshots -

Maybe can do a trade later or something

I'll get my end of the trade up tonight sweetie. Sorry for a bit to get my part of the exchange to you, I get uncomfortable if I sit at my computer for too long.
I can't wait to get home and upload my new signature.