Because photoshop makes you beautiful!

Interesting video of the evolution of beauty.

Maeya 18 years ago
That was awesome to watch. I want whatever tools they were using
ROzbeans 18 years ago
They smudged her neck and distorted her neck vertically. Just looks like layers and the might smudge brush! The end result is really nice though.
Den 18 years ago
They showed that on GMA the other morning...wonder if the poor model had any idea of what they were going to do to her face, and the fact that in the end it wouldn't look anything like her.
Dia 18 years ago
after you see it being made she kinda looks like a alien when you look at the bilboard
Trakhina 18 years ago
They showed this on Ellen today.
Dia 18 years ago
what tool made her eyes bigger. that is a neat feature
ROzbeans 18 years ago
Maybe scale?
Den 18 years ago
When I watched them do it on GMA, they seemed to select the eye somehow, and then just drag it wider. I don't think there's any way in PSP to do least not in the simple manner they did it.
Wystro 18 years ago
*PhotoShops himself*

I knew this program would come in handy...
Dia 18 years ago
csmalls 18 years ago
Wow! That is...amazing and distrubing at the same time. wow.
Adiene 18 years ago
heh yeah
Sadly 99% of stuff you see in mags etc are photoshoped in some way or another =(
Adertising people wouldnt know real beauty if it beat them with a baby seal , I swear.
Onimi 18 years ago
yeah =( was a cool little clip tho!

wtf leave the baby seal alone!!! lol