Just a post to say hi to all =)
Hi everyone. I was introduced to TAC by a long-time friend of mine, Lunna, who I played EQ and EQ2 with for the past....wow, has it been 6 years?!? She shows me her work as often as I can bug her about it and links me threads from a couple forums every now and then, so I can see some of her friends work as well (which is how I was introduced to TAC). I used to love drawing and painting but got away from it about 10 or so years ago for one reason or another. Recently, Lunna saw some of my old drawings and talked me into getting back into it. She even talked me into trying out a tablet and working on some digital stuff, but she may deny that :P.
Not too much else to tell. I live in Texas for now, just working on fixing up the house for when my wife gets back from Iraq (she is in the military). I love reading and playing MMOs (EQ2 on Najena as Samotny, played EQ on Bristlebane as Drakokorin, play a few others off and on). I hope I can contribute something to the boards; although, essentially, I am starting from scratch again so it may not be as soon as I hope...lol.
Thanks for letting me join the forums =)
This is the first real artwork I have done in years, not great but not too bad...lol. I did one last time she was deployed, but it looked very basic.

Glad we finally got ya here!

okay, the sheer number of texans around here is starting to make me wonder if i missed a meeting or something....

No Fyre, this just means the first part of our Texans invade the world scheme is going according to plan.
Okay it is way too early in the morning for bad jokes before coffee.

*bites the newbie*
Welcome to TAC!