A fair trade - the venting thread
I'm upset. Not like crying upset but like, bent - want to burn a motherfucking house down - kind of upset. But I don't want to start a bad trend here because I think everything should have a feng shei balance and shit. I propose that - for every venting post here in this thread, a piece of art should be posted with it.
1 bitch = 1 piece of art
Nothing major or gallery worthy, but a sketch, drawing, quickie render, manip, doll - whatever, but you CANNOT BITCH if you don't pony up some ART. Doesn't have to be representative of what you're going through - just some art. So, before I get my motherfucking curse on, I'm going to go home tonight and make a little something.

17 years ago
Oh you want to c/c my rant? Is this where you tell me I'm mean but don't know it? =(

17 years ago
honestly? i don't think you're mean - blunt and honest to the point of "ouch" on occasion, but i cannot think of a single time in the past 15 months where i thought "damn she's mean". there've been a few times where "ducking" seemed like a good idea - but if i thought you or anyone else here were actually mean - i wouldn't stick around. i meant it when i said this feels like a family - which includes people (namely me in this case) saying something rather stupid and begging for forgiveness....
as for the cc'ing of the vent - i was thinking of the uber-long cc'ing of people's stuffs thread we have floating around here....
as for the cc'ing of the vent - i was thinking of the uber-long cc'ing of people's stuffs thread we have floating around here....

17 years ago
Well, I think you're a total bitch. I'm not sure why I even hang around here. 
Kidding, I'm kidding of course! You've been nothing but gracious, positive and encouraging to me, or to anyone else that I've seen, and that is a big reason I think TAC is as cool a place as it is.
Now, for the c/c on the rant. It's all right, and I can see where you're going with it. You do a good job of explaining yourself, but it's not really harsh enough to be considered a flame. It's mostly defensive, and I think it could be improved by really unloading on the person that pissed you off to begin with. Ideally it should not name names, but still have enough hints that everyone can figure out who you're talking about anyway. I would avoid any reference to Hitler or nazis though, that's just over the top. All in all I'd give it a 7 out of 10.

Kidding, I'm kidding of course! You've been nothing but gracious, positive and encouraging to me, or to anyone else that I've seen, and that is a big reason I think TAC is as cool a place as it is.
Now, for the c/c on the rant. It's all right, and I can see where you're going with it. You do a good job of explaining yourself, but it's not really harsh enough to be considered a flame. It's mostly defensive, and I think it could be improved by really unloading on the person that pissed you off to begin with. Ideally it should not name names, but still have enough hints that everyone can figure out who you're talking about anyway. I would avoid any reference to Hitler or nazis though, that's just over the top. All in all I'd give it a 7 out of 10.

17 years ago
I dont know, are we doing CC5? I think it needs more cursing.. some good name calling ad F-bombs to really blow us out of the water.. I think youre playing it safe.. but thats good too *nod*
Edit: you know im teasing
Edit: you know im teasing

17 years ago
I don't know, I'm a little embarrassed I did that now =x This is why I don't vent publically, it's kinda no one's business. My rage is my own and I'd rather vent it privately - but there are those here who know who the fuck I'm talking about though hehe, rather where it stems from and it's not just one person 
In any case, I was angry and now I'm not. At least I did some ok art with it =)

In any case, I was angry and now I'm not. At least I did some ok art with it =)

17 years ago
Art is good. Venting is good too. Hell it's all good. Now excuse me while I think about how to write my rant about the fact that I don't know what the hell is going on!

17 years ago
i never know what's going on. and even if i do, i plead ignorance!!!