Fudge or no Fudge

Do YOU?!

ROzbeans 17 years ago
I think we all know what I voted for =D I hate fudge though. BLECH.
Vex 17 years ago
fudge = sex
Sergon 17 years ago
I can't eat anything with chocolate in it but when I used to I loved it. But in no way was is it as good as sex.

FyreGarnett 17 years ago
only without nuts. cannot stand nuts in the fudge!!
Vex 17 years ago
hello peanut butter fudge too!
Darsa 17 years ago
can't... eat... chocolate? *whimper*

And as to the fudge = sex thing... it REALLY depends on who makes it
Lolanae 17 years ago
My best friend's daughter was allergic to chocolate, and she is just to the point she can eat very small bits of it at age 6. Trying to pick apart her trick or treat stash each year was always interesting. We'd stock up on some non-chocolate candy just in case. She used to be terrified and run from anything that even looked like chocolate because she remembered the reaction she had.

I really do feel for parents of kiddo's with peanut allergies after going thru that for a few years with her.
Vishanti 17 years ago
only without nuts. cannot stand nuts in the fudge!!
That clinches it. I really should not read anything people say. It's impossible for me to not find something perverse in it.
Den 17 years ago
Penuche > fudge (same recipe except you substitute brown sugar for chocolate = faux orgasm)
Vex 17 years ago
well roz loses this debate!

vex - 1
roz - 0

Jetamio 17 years ago
Mmmm, fudge.

And what the hell is candy corn?
FyreGarnett 17 years ago
candy corn is... well, it's candy shaped like unpopped popcorn... pretty much pure sugary bliss.... *grin*

and vishanti? I almosted edited that, knowing someone around here would read it that way!!!

and we needed to be able to vote twice in this one! (or have had an option for fudge AND candy corn!!!)
Sabby 17 years ago
fudge = sex

Quoted for truth...
ROzbeans 17 years ago
well roz loses this debate!

vex - 1
roz - 0


Coal in your stocking this year, young lady. COAL!
Vishanti 17 years ago
Candy coal! Some of those are really yummy.
Darsa 17 years ago
And what the hell is candy corn?

It's a toothache in a pleasing shape and color combo:

I'd call it one of those things you either love it, or you hate it
Sergon 17 years ago
Ill say it again if you equate fudge to sex then.......

Honestly if you see it this way then you fucking the wrong guys.

Laire 17 years ago
mmmm peanut butter fudge *drools*
Vex 17 years ago
Ill say it again if you equate fudge to sex then.......

Honestly if you see it this way then you fucking the wrong guys.


not true at -all-

i very well know the difference between good and bad sex, just like i know the difference between good and bad fudge.

maybe its because you aren't female :P but good fudge can be REALLY fucking good.
Darsa 17 years ago
For realz, Vex... for realz.