
So here's the deal...I need to decorate my desk / cubicle / office area for Valentine's Day, and came up with 'Famous Lovers' as my theme. And now that I did, I can barely think of a famous couple

Romeo & Juliet
Lancelot & Guinevere
Anthony & Cleopatra
Zeus & Hera...and then I go blank.

Anyone have any suggestions? And if you know any kick ass sites I might get some graphics, that would be awesome too I'm going to be doing a lot more research this weekend, but I'm also going to need to put everything together so I can decorate come Monday morning, so any and all ideas will be GRATEFULLY appreciated!

ROzbeans 17 years ago
Bonnie and Clyde
Lois Lane and Superman
MJ and Spiderman
Buffy and not Angel but the other guy
Belle and Beast
Den 17 years ago
Buffy and Spike?? lol ... I couldn't do that, but I could do Buffy and Angel

Good suggestions ROz! Thanks.
Runyan 17 years ago
Michael Jackson and little boys
Mileron 17 years ago
I'm sorry, MJ and Spiderman? When did that happen?

(I'm referring of course to the FUCKED up choice of the editors to retcon the wedding!)

Elvis and his wife
Jack and Jackie (Kennedy)
Bert and Ern... never mind
Britney and Kevin (hah)
Tom and Katie (all you need is a couch!)
Sonny and Cher
Aladdin and Jasmine
Eric and Ariel
Lady and Tramp
Sam and Frod... nm. (okay enough joking)
LIghtning McQueen and Susy the Porsche
Bruce Wayne and Vicki Vale
Ellen and Portia
Jack and Sam (Stargate of course)
Chocolate and Caramel
Peanutbutter and Chocolate
Coffee and Creamer
Mrs. Robinson and Ben

okay I'm kinda dry at the moment.
Den 17 years ago
Ok...I may be old fashioned, but when I think of famous lovers, those who didn't last don't really fit into my way of thinking...

Elvis and his wife - divorced

Jack and Jackie (Kennedy) - he reportedly played around, a lot

Britney and Kevin (hah) - nice try

Tom and Katie - they haven't been together long enough, plus he's been married twice before

Sonny and Cher - divorced

Sam and Frod... nm. (okay enough joking) - /bonk

LIghtning McQueen and Susy the Porsche - *sigh*

Bruce Wayne and Vicki Vale - What, did they last beyond one movie? :P

Ellen and Portia - again, with their prior track records, and the fact that they haven't been together more than the blink of an

Thanks Mil...

and thanks for trying...I think. lol
Mileron 17 years ago
and thanks for trying...I think. lol

Well I went through the DVD shelf and these were all I could think of.
Laire 17 years ago
Napoleon and Josephine
Scarlett and Rhet
Den 17 years ago
Well I went through the DVD shelf and these were all I could think of.

You know, you're a guy, and you're young, so all things considered I'm sure that's actually a good submission

Thanks Laire, both excellent...can't believe I didn't think of Rhett and Scarlet, since its one of my favorite movies.

No need for any more suggestions though. After going to the craft store last night and getting a ton of things, I think I am going to go with cartoon lovers, as there seem to be a nice variety, and I can find decent pics to use on the internet lol.
Mileron 17 years ago
You know, you're a guy, and you're young, so all things considered I'm sure that's actually a good submission

You're lucky I didn't submit Herbie and the Lancia!

.. oops.
Vex 17 years ago
you didnt say famous lovers that are still together.

but im surprised no one listed brad & angelina.

i think romeo & juliet are the #1 top romance "die for each other" couple though.
Den 17 years ago
you didnt say famous lovers that are still together.

but im surprised no one listed brad & angelina.

i think romeo & juliet are the #1 top romance "die for each other" couple though.

No, you're correct. However, in my mind when I think of famous lovers, I think of a love that transcends obstacles...that seems to go one forever, and that has experienced at least some amount of substance.

Even with Brad and Angelina, something tells me it may not be permanent. Besides they haven't been together that long either, and because of that I, personally, wouldn't consider them to be in the category. But that is just how my mind spins it...I get that now, and should have been clearer.

Thats another reason why I decided to go with cartoon loves...I mean...Fred and Wilma, Lady and Tramp, Tarzan and Jane, Belle and the just KNOW these couples are together today, and always...
Mileron 17 years ago
George and Jane! (jetson)
Adiene 17 years ago
you are totally missing one of the best all time lovers~!
Gomez & Morticia duh!

umm others ...
Arthur and Guinevere
Antony & Cleopatra
Tristan & Isolde
Charles & Diana
Samson & Delilah
Adam & Eve
Orpheust & Eurydice
Cupid & Psyche
Robin Hood & Maid Marian
Beauty & the Beast
man so many .. I barely touched mothology, lore or fairy tales =x Depending on what mood you are looking for then I can elp with some sites ehe
Jetamio 17 years ago
Arwen and Aragorn?
Rama and Sita

uhms, cant think of anymore that havent been said.
Lessa 17 years ago
Buttercup and wesley
marge and homer
Den 17 years ago
Thanks a lot guys, I went with Disney lovers...they were the only ones who I considered to be true and everlasting lovers (LOL), and who I could get pics of...Lady & Tramp, Cinderella & Prince Charming, Dumbo and his mommy (pic of her rocking him in the crook of her trunk), Belle and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty and her prince, Ariel and Prince Eric. I'll take pics once I get everything up, probably next week.

(Charles and Diana? Boy, I hope I don't ever have their kind of love lol)
Rikr 17 years ago
Cheech and Chong.

Oops Wrong thread. ;-P