Ringtones (yeah, I'm going there)
What ringtones do you use? I need ideas.
I've been using the standard Sony Ericsson ringtone (prefer this version) on my phone for a while, but it's annoying because I keep thinking my phone's going off if someone else has a loud ringer. I just don't like a lot of the preloaded ones, but at least that one's not as irritating. The one I used on my old phone for about a year was the Not Late preload from Sony Ericsson - definitely not the most "manly" sound; but it was soothing, relatively distinctive, and sounded like Pac-Man in a noisy bar.
I'm not against something recognizeable, as long as it's not some current song. I won't even get into how aggravating it is to hear "You're so beauuuutiful girl..." every time random_female_23 gets a call. One of my friends uses the Halloween theme, which is perfect because it loops well and is unusual enough that we always know it's his phone going off since it hasn't been over-distributed even though it was one of the defaults on his smartphone. The other plus is the lack of lyrics. Hearing actual voices in a ringtone tends to annoy me. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I just haven't heard it done in a way that sounds right yet. One of my former coworkers had the wookie howl on his phone for a day, but he nixed that after it went off very loudly during a meeting. I'm OK with sounding geeky, but that one's a little over the top for me. I considered using the Airwolf and MacGyver themes, but then I heard them again... Without all the noise from the show, Airwolf's theme sounds really juvenile. MacGyver doesn't really have a clean cutoff segment.
...and since I started the topic in the first place, fuck all those companies that sell ringtones. Every time someone else tells me about buying a ringtone the night before, I run the risk of breaking my nose with a vigorous facepalm. It's worse than the Music CD-R marketing scam of the 90s.

Sister: Christmas Eve Sarajevo (Transiberian Orchestra) She loves Christmas music
Mom: Theme to Jurassic Park
Brother: Theme to 007
Ex-gf: Minuet in G
Sarah: Super Mario Brothers theme
I used to have the theme to Indiana Jones and a bunch of others in my old phone but a replacement necessitated their loss.
I use www.3gforfree.com which I'm pretty sure is free. $1.50+ for a ringtone from the cell company every time I replace the phone is a scucking fam.
There are also some programs that allow you to create ringtones, but I haven't researched any.
I may have to chop up Fable by Robert Miles. That song plays extremely well on my phone's speaker.

I bought my ringtone from verizon because I pretty much pick a ringtone and stick with it long enough to feel I get my buck fifty's worth.

Most modern phones support truetones
Yeah, this is true.
My own phone though was purchased right as "real" ringtones became popular, but doesn't have the feature. So I'm stuck with polyphonic/midi ringtones.
Which I really don't mind too much...
Especially when my brother has ringtones like the Strongbad "mail" thing and a bunch of others that talk that are just too annoying to not want to take a freaking hammer to it.

mom - mission impossible
Mike - AC/DC: TNT
Jello - What comes around, JTimberlake
Then I had various ones I'd switch to - Halloween, Seinfeld theme, 007