
not that youd be all that excited, but I finally got to finish something! First time since february I think. *does a little dance*

oh, heres the image

its just a comission for an old eq buddy

Eve 16 years ago
Like I said over at da, I love her expression hon! Glad to see you back *hugs*
ROzbeans 16 years ago
OH shit, that is hot. What male morph is that and skin? Very very kick ass!
Elfykins 16 years ago
ooooo is that the new dragon bridge thingy in the background?
I SO want that...hubby has put a hold on all my new poser stuff for the mo though....some kid smashed into our garage door 2 days ago and our insurance doesn't cover it because it's less than our deductible...
and askin same thing as Roz...I love the morph n skin for the male ...what is it?
Lessa 16 years ago
Sorry! I totally forgot credits ><

HE is M3 with, i think, the egyptian skin and morphs, and a little alterations by me.
I actually did him a few months back and imported him into the image after I built the girl.
Hes wearing Xurge armor and i think the motif textures for it. V3 Vega's eyes, RDNA mohawk hair.

I always, when doing brown guys or gals, have to do a spotlight with a pinkish tint to it, makes the skin look so much prettier, blue and green lights always look not so great for me

Vex by Adi and Vex
Gaia by Adi
Vanesse morphs by Daz ( LR i think?)
aery soul - Moon Dancer and WHite rose outfits
Filosofy hair

Dragon bridges.. yes! I just got it and i really like it, I recolored it a bit so it would blend into the bg
Freebie necklace from rdna
freebie ground from Nike
cant remember what the staff came with, but i can find it if needed.

Thanks guys, I had more fun than I thought I would after so long having not touched anything artistic. I was afraid I wouldnt be able to get into it anymore.
FyreGarnett 16 years ago
i want that staff!!! lol - figures its one of those things that you can't quite remember where it came from - drives me nuts when that happens!

Great job! good symmetry in this piece!!
Eve 16 years ago
Staff is from the Ice Princess for V3 and Aiko over at Daz
Lessa 16 years ago
yep Eve got it, sorry I couldnt remember it

Thanks for the compliments hun
Jetamio 16 years ago
Oh oh, its Maedroc and Paezje! Recognised them right away lol. Lovely image!
Lessa 16 years ago
hehe yep! I sent them the final images yesterday and he says theyre pretty pleased with em
Adiene 16 years ago
awesome work!
Lillaanya 16 years ago
Its beautiful!
Lessa 16 years ago
/thank you!