Dwarven father and son hunting
Roz asked me to repost the image here even though most of you can see it up on my DA account. This is a portrait of Ringo Flinthammer hunting in the Hinterlands with his son, Bael, riding on Frostmaw.
This was a gift for my husband on Father's Day. This was a hard project mostly because of the secrecy. Couldn't work on it at home in front of him and I would start demanding he'd let me know when he had a meeting or when he was expected home just to make sure he couldn't walk in on me when I didn't expect it. Poor guy, lol.
Ringo also wrote a story for Father's Day (there's a sneak peek of Bael when he grows up) and asked me to do the screenshot art for it. I asked him how he was going to pull this off because he killed off both of his parents in his background story (cliche, I know) and he asked me to wait and see. He actually did a nice job of writing it up!
All in all, it was a nice day. I'm glad I finally got artwork done for him. He's happy with it and therefore I'm happy.
Thanks for looking!