Tired of being a fat-ass.

So. Yeah, that's me. Supah-fatass. I can't even stand to look at myself in the mirror anymore. My daughter is this 13 year old with a model's body, and my brain is convinced that she's embarrassed to point me out as her mom. Which is probably not true, but there's no convincing my overactive imagination sometimes.

I am **not** the kind of person who would benefit from Weight Watchers; I cannot afford a personal trainer or the South Beach Diet either. So, I got myself an early Christmas gift of a membership to a gym down the street from my workplace, and I'm going to go there on lunches to work out. With that, and watching what I stuff in my face, hopefully there'll be less of me around.

Does anyone, by any chance, know of any sites that might be beneficial to me, for like inspiration and guidance and shit like that? I went to the Weight Watchers site and Jenny Craig and all that... but what I want is something like this here, only for fat people trying to get skinny, if that makes any sense.

I'm gonna miss my carbs.

Thanks in advance for any and all help!

ROzbeans 16 years ago
Do you want new recipes or actual support? I posted a lot of low carb diabetic receipes in the cookbook section that don't taste like crap. You might want to check out the diabetic sites, they do have forums for support as well. Basically you're looking for a lifestyle change, right? Not a quick fix? That's what being diabetic is all about, anway.


Good luck, Darsa!!!
Pickle 16 years ago
Here's a website that's free guidance and you can get additional support if you want to go visit a State Farm agent for a pedometer and stuff like that, but I don't think it's entirely necessary

and here's a Body-Mass index calculator with some links

Gylius 16 years ago
CrossFit and The Zone Diet. If you want to lose weight and be healthy. Maybe you aren't a fan of strenuous exercise, but if you want the best "diet" in existance, it's The Zone Diet.
Darsa 16 years ago
Reading up on that Zone diet, that's VERY interesting! I think I'm going to have to hit up GNC for some Fish Oil; I **hate** all seafood so I don't ever get any of that, and there's a lot of info out there about it being good for ya.

We've been working on changing our eating lifestyle since hubby was diagnosed with diabetes; my family's always had pasta running through our veins, so it's been REALLY hard =/

Thank you so much for all of this info; Hubster and I are going to the gym tonight for the first time (my pass allows for a free guest, yay!), hopefully I don't have a heart attack and die on the treadmill
ROzbeans 16 years ago
Just start slow. You're not going to be able to do much at first so start at 15 minutes and then add a minute with each workout. I read that somewhere. By the end of the first month, you should be able to do 30 mins no problem. =)
Darsa 16 years ago
I think that's probably where I had problems before; hubby doesn't believe in starting slow. He'd rather hike a mountain, and honestly I tried. Some of the trails we took were great, I enjoyed them. But GAH, there's this one, Bald Rock Mountain. I honestly thought I would die halfway up. I figure with this membership I can exercise the way I'm comfortable. And they have massage chairs, apparently. That'll be interesting!
Jetamio 16 years ago
I managed to stick to WW for 5 months and lost quite a bit. I had a wedding in Ireland to go to and wanted to wear a dress without all my flabby bits hanging out. But right after I slipped back into old ways. I don't even eat alot these days, my boss says I eat like a mouse actually lol. But I guess I eat the wrong stuff or something.
I'm going to try exersize more too, Im going to buy a pair of ice skates and apparently there is an ice rink right up the road from me so I'm just waiting for a good freeze I only work in the evenings mostly so I should stop being a slackass and go skating every morning.
tamaelia 16 years ago
You can have a look at www.calorieking.com.au it is the Aussie version of the www.calorieking.com site. You don't have to pay to use the stuff at the aussie site. I find it pretty good for keeping track of diet and exercise and having to record it really helps keep me honest.

Also, may want to try the couch to 5k program www.coolrunning.com has the infos. You can do it at the gym on the treadie if you don't want to run outside.
Vex 16 years ago
community for fat chicks : http://www.3fatchicks.com

i poked around there a bit when i was fat.
Darsa 16 years ago
Seven pounds down, many to go. My body's changing shape tho, in a good way... I'm liking it. And I can jog for a few minutes on the treadmill now, wasn't able to before I started this. Aaaand, I can run up and down the stairs to my office multiple times (okay, three) without getting breathless I know, I tried it Friday LOL
MoonLily 16 years ago
www.sparkpeople.com is the site I frequent... have you thought of maybe asking one of your buddies with weight to lose to team up with you? I know my own fatness is driving me bonkers and therefore I drive Kagi bonkers =P
Mylec 16 years ago

This is a very good book and guide for getting in shape. The guy who wrote it (Bill Phillips) is the guy that started the EAS product line. This is definitely more than just a diet or meal plan, it is also an exercise plan. But both are important to getting in shape and staying in it, and really the exercise commitment is not extreme (about 20 minutes of cardio 3xweek and less than an hour of strength training 3xweek). I'm getting ready to get back into this again myself as my weight has been sliding up a bit. I personally like the interval training that they teach.
Lillaanya 16 years ago

This is a very good book and guide for getting in shape. The guy who wrote it (Bill Phillips) is the guy that started the EAS product line. This is definitely more than just a diet or meal plan, it is also an exercise plan. But both are important to getting in shape and staying in it, and really the exercise commitment is not extreme (about 20 minutes of cardio 3xweek and less than an hour of strength training 3xweek). I'm getting ready to get back into this again myself as my weight has been sliding up a bit. I personally like the interval training that they teach.

Have that book. Is a good one.
Darsa 16 years ago
The increase in energy that I have amazes me. I've been trying to go to the gym every day, though it's working out to about 5 days a week. The other thing that's cool is that I get enough to eat a LOT quicker than I used to.

This past weekend, I had my niece over to visit my girl. They were really awesome helping with Christmas and whatnot, so I treated them to Dairy Queen. I got nothing when we went, and I really wasn't even tempted. It was the strangest thing; ice cream has always been my biggest weakness, 'specially chocolate.

I'm terrible in that I can't have a regimented plan, because I know that the first time I slip, I'll get discouraged and give up. If I just do it myself, slip and pick myself back up and do an extra something at the gym, it's a lot easier for me. This time of year, unfortunately, the temptations to slip up are EVERYWHERE!
tamaelia 16 years ago
Sounds like you are making great progress Darsa That is fabulous! Enjoy your newfound energy. *hugs*
Kels 16 years ago
Darsa, the hardest thing for me is also getting discouraged. I'm quite a bit overweight, and I'm honestly not that unhappy with how I look, what I'm unhappy about is how my jeans were fitting. And I've gained weight, about 5 pounds since starting. But I'm eating twice a day, as opposed to days when I didn't eat at all due to my depression, and I honestly feel better on a whole. I'm changing shape, and I got into a pair of jeans that hasn't fit me since I lost my husband. It felt REALLY good to fasten those jeans. I know to the rest of the world I probably look like a fat slug, but to me in those jeans I thought I was kinda pretty.
Rikr 16 years ago
Congrats on your progress. I need to get my own routine down also. I haven't gone to the gym in a year...anyhoo, if you get bored check out www.livestrong.com and www.thedailyplate.com (calorie tracker, just in case you may be interested in this.)
Addi 16 years ago
I never had a problem with weight cept gaining some, and i know some people are like "wish i had that problem" but it really is just as hard to gain as to lose. There have been times in my life though when i needed to cut back some weight. I just drink coffee all the time cuz it makes me not hungry...i know thats probably not healthy but only thing i got. My husband did lose about 30lbs in a couple months but just stopping drinking soda and cutting back about half way on carbs.
Bendir 16 years ago
The increase in energy that I have amazes me. I've been trying to go to the gym every day, though it's working out to about 5 days a week. The other thing that's cool is that I get enough to eat a LOT quicker than I used to.

This past weekend, I had my niece over to visit my girl. They were really awesome helping with Christmas and whatnot, so I treated them to Dairy Queen. I got nothing when we went, and I really wasn't even tempted. It was the strangest thing; ice cream has always been my biggest weakness, 'specially chocolate.

I'm terrible in that I can't have a regimented plan, because I know that the first time I slip, I'll get discouraged and give up. If I just do it myself, slip and pick myself back up and do an extra something at the gym, it's a lot easier for me. This time of year, unfortunately, the temptations to slip up are EVERYWHERE!

5 days a week is perfect. And you don't need to be at the gym any longer than an hour.

Diet and sleep will make the difference. Eat well, sleep 8 hours a night. The basic rule for grocery shopping is: shop the perimeter, skip the aisles. That means fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats. If it comes in a box and expires six months from now, you probably shouldn't touch it. And unless you eat 5 meals a day or buy the fattiest cuts of pork you can find, you'll have a hard time overeating.