Priscilla, by moonlight. Lol.
Good ol' Eve-y pointed this challenge out to me, and I figured I *had* to do something so I could get the free Traveler prop cuz I love his stuff I worked very hard on this girl and really enjoyed every minute of it, with the possible exception of the part where Poser crashed and I hadn't saved in a while.
Anyway, this is good ol' Priscilla. I got to the end of the whole thing, called it done, then said "uh, what the hell am I going to call this one???" Husband and daughter were NO help, and noone was on IMs to beg for thoughts, so I just randomly picked the name out of my head
Thanks fer peekin!
Oh! And make sure to check out Eve's pic too, it's gorgeous!!
That's so damn cute Darsa. Good luck!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the admins that pick the winners. I honestly am not fussed about winning, tho I'm DYING to see the free gift prop!