Kay Scarpetta movie (rumored 2011)
Starring Angelina Jolie as Kay Scarpetta, based on the best selling books.

15 years ago
oh patricia cornwell books! It might be good.. or it might be like watching Bones. (which is also good, but I wouldnt pay to see it at a theater) lol

15 years ago
Cool, I used to love those books but she's ruined the series now, imo anyway. Not sure I can envision Jolie as Scarpetta, hmm, lol.

14 years ago
Done deal.
(The Frisky) -- It's official. Angelina Jolie has signed on to play medical examiner Kay Scarpetta in an as-of-yet untitled movie based on Patricia Cornwell's 17-book series.
Cornwell is pretty pumped about the choice. "When Angelina came out of the left field last year, I was floored," she said. "Angelina had pithy things to say about what she wanted to do. She was direct and goal-oriented."
However, the fans of the books -- let's just say they're not too happy.
They say that, for starters, Angelina is far too young to play the character who is 40 to 45 on paper. Not to mention that while Angelina is exotic-looking, Kay was described as an All-American beauty.
Originally, Jodie Foster was approached to play the role. After she refused, many fans seemed to be rooting for Elizabeth Mitchell, aka Juliette on "Lost." One fan summed it up: "Angie is all wrong to play Kay."
Done deal.

14 years ago
Don't really think I can see Jolie as Scarpetta... but I could be wrong. I was wrong about Tom Cruise (before he started acting retarded) playing Lestat.... I used to love Cornwell's books... the last few Scarpetta books have been odd.