Dynamic Cloth from daz

do they work in poser??

Laschae 14 years ago
Nope. Completely different beast :P
Faeini 14 years ago
awww oh well
Laschae 14 years ago
There are quite a few free dynamic cloths for poser over at rendo if you wanna try it out to get a feel for posers cloth room Most v3 stuff will work with little to no adjustments.
Faeini 14 years ago
k! thanks hun
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Whew, glad you answered that. I almost bought this:

Cuz it looked super cool, but I use poser exclusively =(
Laschae 14 years ago
Yeah it does look super cool They have/had DS3 advanced on sale and I was ALMOST tempted into buying it just because that cloak is so bad ass looking.
ROzbeans 14 years ago
I'd try Daz if I didn't have to buy all those damn plug ins. Already dropped the cash on Poser, I'd hate to invest another couple hundred dollars just for the basic plug ins =/
Faeini 14 years ago
yea i got it (with out thinking) and was wondering why i couldnt find it lol
Lessa 14 years ago
IVe got ds3 and the dynamic stuffs but I havent made time to fiddle with the Dynamics yet.. Think Im passing on the cloak for now
Eve 14 years ago
Saw someone talking about converting this to conforming with some movement morphs somehow. I'll believe it when I see it tho, so I'll pass on it for now even if it does look bad ass.
KaAnna 14 years ago
I purchased the cloak immediately. Played with it some. It is taking me a little to get used to using the Dynamic Clothing. A bit confusing and time consuming.
Kels 14 years ago
I remember reading that you can use the dynamic cloths without it being dynamic. I'll have to try this on my mac since I have a few dynamic things I got when I was still willing to work on my pc :-) But that's still working in studio, not poser. I do have a copy of poser 7 on my mac so I'll try it out there as well. I've done some work with dynamic in poser 7 but it's very very confusing. And I prefer DS's user interface <3