I'm going to CRY!

The armor from Val3DArt that is modelled after the Lich King from World of Warcraft is coming so very soon.

They've got Adiene's (very lovely) artwork there showcasing it, but I'm not able to view the product yet. They are being such a tease.

And I'm waiting impatiently to see Silver and Countess' character too that goes with this.

Lessa 14 years ago
yeah its all gorgeous, cant wait for the armor to be released!


Rain did one with both armor and Lady Frostwhisper
KaAnna 14 years ago
That's the first picture I saw with this set and just about died. I am a hyuuuuuge Arthas fan, and my mouth completely fell agape when I saw this and learned about the armor set.

I got up early so I could buy it and play with it, but it STILL isn't out.
ROzbeans 14 years ago
It's out. Wish there was a bundle for the armor and chick. Don't like Silver/Countesses textures - they're kinda plain.
KaAnna 14 years ago
I am NomNoming it already!! I got the textures for it too. It's a nice variation (not the best, but still pretty good) for the armor set. But I think it was mostly an impulse buy because I was so excited about the Armor.
Lessa 14 years ago
hehe its always good to have options. I bought the armor, now Im super broke, already had the girl, itll be a long while before Im able to buy anything else
ROzbeans 14 years ago
I was going to buy the outfit, but then I got to thinking - about 800 other people are buying it too. I hate when something cool comes out and then the art galleries get flooded with the same outfit. IE Angel/Angelina's daz morph =/
Lessa 14 years ago
lol yeah, but most of Val's outfits are popular like that. I am hoping I can mix and match it up a bit when I use it so its not so same same as everything else...
KaAnna 14 years ago
I was going to buy the outfit, but then I got to thinking - about 800 other people are buying it too. I hate when something cool comes out and then the art galleries get flooded with the same outfit. IE Angel/Angelina's daz morph =/

Yeah.. I feel the exact same way. And I probably wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't Arthas' gear.
Lillaanya 14 years ago
The outfit is totally on my "to do" list. Always feels like I'm in the middle of a huge game of catch up.
Temprah 14 years ago
ooo... where was this released? I swear if it's not at Daz I don't know about it. Just never go anyplace else =x
Laschae 14 years ago
...and POOF it's gone. Knew that was gonna happen.
Temprah 14 years ago
wait wait wait...!! The armor isn't available anymore? Why??
Laschae 14 years ago
It's been taken down for 'review'. Apparently some one must have told Rendo it was a rip off of the Lich Kings armor. I dun work at Rendo so I dunno =P
ROzbeans 14 years ago
God that is so stupid. Someone got a rash of shit on DA about the armor being 'stolen'. That's retarded - so what if it's based on the Lich King? So's a ton of other armor, and art for that matter, out there.
Lessa 14 years ago
isnt one of DM's swords an exact copy of one in a Royo painting? Its been out for years..( and a crapload of other stuff too) Thats crap.



So if thats ok.. then an armor that resembles the lich king armor ( cause its not the same.. Lich king doesnt dress that sexy) should be fine.. idiots
Laschae 14 years ago
Something in the back of my mind is saying that it wasn't the armor so much as the SWORD which is pretty much Frostmourne. I pulled up some concept art of Arthas and I thought that it was similar but not the same, the sword however is a different story. *shrug* I wouldn't buy it either way. Way too broke haha.
KaAnna 14 years ago
I would agree with Laschae that the sword is very much Frostmourne, the staple of the Lich King. But I would add that the helmet is nearly exact to the Lich King's, and that, also, was the main part of the character.
Laschae 14 years ago
As for the DM sword for all we know they have permission to reproduce it. /shrug but then again...Rendo has(had, dunno) a can of COKE for sale on their site.
Temprah 14 years ago
Isn't the Lich King a male? (Don't play WoW anymore) If so then right there BAM difference in the armor. If the sword is the same that could be an issue, but still... seems retarded to pull i while it's reviewed.