EQ Mafia Day Two Voting

Same as before, get 'em in by midnight and keep this thread to just voting.

Aramous 19 years ago
Same as before, get 'em in by midnight and keep this thread to just voting.

My vote is Szordrin T'Sarran . An imprint that large, and the distance it was found, has to be of one with extreme strength. Jade's background is proof enough that she would have had to have her kneck brocken, not for anyone to hear screams, and then tossed. Hence the distance the body was found.

" The one who watches for daggers in his back, usually meets death unexpected from the front." .
Stormystone 19 years ago
My vote is for Brujah.

Since the deaths are continuing, it appears that the mage was innocent. I suspect the dark arts were involved.

Brujah wrote:

5 of us travel to find our friend to make up the Fanatical 6. We cannot be beaten.

Could they be the ones from the note? " We are coming"
Rasberry 19 years ago
Ladina came back from her research with a single name: Hammerthynn Healingson
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Hammerthynn entered the foyer of the Library, passing the suspiciously glaring Ladina. The old shaman winked at her with his remaining eye, causing her to sniff angrily at him.

Even now, I wonder if I have strength enough to contain this gift, this inferno within

He questioned her reaction to the murder. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks".

I vote: Ladina Dawnfire.
James Fraser 19 years ago
I dont think strength has anything to do with it. I think pure evil, and temper combined can cause such a forceful landing.

I vote Ladina Dawnfire
Nards 19 years ago
I whisper from the afterlife, "It was not me, beware of the ones near you." The mistake made is one that will ultimately bring you to your last breath. Heed my previous words and know that I gave you the information you needed and you chose to ignore it.
Larene_Stormfire 19 years ago
Vulash 19 years ago
Ladina Dawnfire.

Larene next - If the Doctor would kindly shield me now
immy 19 years ago
I vote Ladina.
Rikr 19 years ago
My vote is for Brujah.

Since the deaths are continuing, it appears that the mage was innocent. I suspect the dark arts were involved.

Brujah wrote:

5 of us travel to find our friend to make up the Fanatical 6. We cannot be beaten.

Could they be the ones from the note? " We are coming"

I agree. My vote is for Brujah.
Aziyade 19 years ago
I feel a great error was made, again, though mournfully, I cast my stone for Brujah.
Danq 19 years ago
Verileah 19 years ago
That's everyone! Scene for Ladina to come shortly.
Verileah 19 years ago
Ladina had been driven out many times in her life. When she was young, she was banished from her home for her mysterious abilities which no one knew or understood. Ro had gifted her with great power, but he cursed her as well, and there was never a place where Ladina could feel welcome. Even as she tried to help her fellow citizens, even as she tried to use her unique gifts for good, she was rejected, again and again.

She was used to it by now. She did not even have to be asked anymore; she simply knew when it was her time to leave. Had she not spent her anger earlier that day, perhaps she would have spared some for the ingrates who had rejected her help, but now she was wholly focused on getting out of town as quickly and quietly as possible. Before the lynch mob came after her.

Ladina slipped out the back door of the tavern into the darkness. She turned the corner into the alley and saw that she had not been quite quick enough. The lynch mob’s faces were each illuminated by bright torches, and they stood in a semi circle around a wooden post stacked high with branches. The two closest to the front grabbed her arms roughly and tied her to the post, but not before Ladina could begin screaming. A fresh fury had taken hold of her; she could feel her blood boiling with angry as her pyre was set to flame. As she burned, she continued to scream and howl with rage and pain. Sometimes her cries were incoherent but deafening noise, but a few in the crowd were able to make out her words, the same line over and over, like a litany or a prayer.

“What have you done? You are all going to die now.”

<modvoice>SKIDs for tomorrow plzkkthx</modvoice>
James Fraser 19 years ago

Ladina,did I say Ladina, I uh meant... uh...
Stormystone 19 years ago
As Szordrin watched Ladina burn, he thought to himself how far things were getting out of control.

Perhaps, we should traveling in pairs, he mused. Hopefully, with this death, the killings will stop. I fear it's not the case however. I do think that we once again have slain the innocent. Why must the innocents always be the ones to die? Everyone is on edge, and the fire of emotion is consuming them just as the flames consumed Ladina.

I will have to watch this Brujah closer. This Fanatical 6 he speaks of disturbs me.

As Szordrin walks back to the inn, he recalls the last words he heard before the screams faded to silence.

You are all going to die now.

Well, we all have to die someday. I will cherish my time a little more clearly now. Savor the moments. These are indeed dark times.