EQ MAFIA - a dark man waits with a dark purpose
In the city's most disreputable tavern sits a shrouded figure. It is a large gentleman sitting comfortably with his back to the room, despite the nefarious sort that mingle silently behind him. Hammerthynn's fear of death was removed long ago with the passing of his Clan. Granted the ghostly beast pet at his feet was as much of a deterrent as a loaded crossbowed guard standing next to him. Hammerthynn runs his coarse fingers thru the ethereal fur of his wolf. He waits for his guest, whom he invited an hour before by slipping a note into their room.
Hammer's wolf snarls softly, its hackles raise immediately. The shaman looks to his left and see's that a figure had quietly approached him. So silent he had not heard the foot steps fall on the old ale stained floor. Hammer waves a hand across from him near the fire. The figure drifts slowly over and sits. The fire casts deep shadows onto the hooded figure. A voice speaks.
A finely manicured hand reached out from the darkness and picks a nail. 'Speak, shaman. Waste not my time.'
The barbarian leans forward, 'You and I have a vested interest in the recent dark happenings.'
A haughty snort, 'Do we?'
'Aye and a common pain that should make us great allies.'
The figure leaned back into the chair and snorted. 'We do.'
'Aye, Kiltheranos.' Hammer leaned back into the furs of the chair and slowly rubbed his twisted scar and smiled hard. ' That we do.'
With a quick glance around he slides the parchment over so the newcomer can see. "As you can see we have much to discuss...."
With a soft voice Hammerthynn spoke, 'So, the die is cast for Ladina. Who is the next victim? For the Dark One and the lynch mobs?' Hammer's pet growled menacingly.
Brujah looks over at the barbarian and bows his head but yet keeps eye contact with him.
"What type of law has innocent people getting killed for the color of there skin?" He asks Kilth before taking a sip of Ale.
Brujah concludes " This will be a long night for us all to talk and get answers"
'Gentleman I suggest we close discussions for now. I feel we are chasing a ghost. I bid you good night.' He touched his right hand to his heart and stepped away from the table. Not much longer Brujah left the table, as did the last dark elf.
Murmuing to himself as he climbed the oak stairs to his room, 'let this night be a peaceful one.' Unfortunately his prayers were not heard by Carlan as they were to find out the following morning.
Gentleman I suggest we close discussions for now. I feel we are chasing a ghost. I bid you good night.' He touched his right hand to his heart and stepped away from the table. Not much longer Brujah left the table, as did the last dark elf.
Not chasing, following.