Created on 04/27/2007 • 172 Posts & 27 ThreadsLatest User Interactions
- post Masquerade's Eve is a pretty cool product. I'll find use for it somewhere. I hate the piercings, though, and I think I'm actually going t 16 years ago
- post It's kinda cool in a way that she doesn't have a body. I've gotten to experiment with morphing V4 to try and make a body for her myself, an 16 years ago
- post Yeah, you should sell this one as a print if you like it that much. If you're the only one to buy it, at least you have it for yourself. E 16 years ago
- post Nope, not taking it that way at all, Roz--sorry if it came across that way. Just a bit frustrated because I wasted half an hour trying to 17 years ago
- thread Hey, all--been awhile, I know, but I've been busy with work and all. I've been posting like mad at DA, but I do like to get the opinions of 17 years ago
- post Maybe they'll actually get away from low-brow bathroom humor and jokes about secret government agency people wearing clothes that tell every 17 years ago
- post Wow! What a cool and extremely stunning piece! Gorgeous in every way! 17 years ago
- post I saw part of the speech today--the Dean of Columbia University TOTALLY TRASHED the guest speaker--I nearly DIED LAUGHING. The Iranian Pres 17 years ago
- post I wish "Bones" would get cancelled. It was decent its first season, but the cast change in season 2 just ruined the show for me. David Bor 17 years ago
- post Beautiful job! I just posted my first pic with the Millennium Dragon over on DA--it's really cool, if hard to use. LOL. But aren't Didi_MC 17 years ago
- post Truly exquisite! Great job, hon! 17 years ago
- post It look really good, Lessa! Be proud of it! 17 years ago
- post As I said, it was just a general thought. I know I don't buy any male characters because, honestly, they just don't appeal to me. Though o 17 years ago
- post I'm looking forward to the start of "Journeyman" just to see if THAT'S any good. The guy who play Lucius Vorenus on Rome is a really good ac 17 years ago
- thread Just a general thought to the group. We all know what stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, striking women the lovely ladies of VAMP can make. We 17 years ago
- post Very nice! 17 years ago
- post What texture is that for Alrinn, Eve? 17 years ago
- post Thanks, everyone! Glad to see I'm improving. 17 years ago
- post I'm sure his wife or someone will try to finish the book, if it's not almost completely finished already. I only met him once, but he was a 17 years ago
- post That will be helpful, because the Poser bodies have a lot of things to set to none. LOL! 17 years ago