20/m (almost 21) For Sale

Pic's probably need resizing so apologize for the biggness of them =P, but it accentuates the truth .

Far Left.


ROzbeans 19 years ago
CUTE! but young. =x
Senatar 19 years ago
CUTE! but young. =x

I am legal dammit.
Senatar 19 years ago
oh and dug this one up

on the left
Geeii 19 years ago
....screen your pictures please, kids view these forums

Frownbomb at 2nd picture.
Senatar 19 years ago
Aziyade 19 years ago
Your jeans are bunched up at your crotch, I think it's bulge envy.

Very cute, pics. But since you can't drink legally, yeah you're too young.
Gilae 19 years ago

He doesn't need to be able to drink in order for you to have a sip imo
ROzbeans 19 years ago
No, just single.
Aramous 19 years ago
Heath Ledger at it again. WASSUP BRO!!
Senatar 19 years ago
Heath Ledger at it again. WASSUP BRO!!

Damn bro havent seen you in forever, still playing I see, DB nice!
Nektar 19 years ago

He doesn't need to be able to drink in order for you to have a sip imo

Especially in Montreal Everyone here needs to visit the city at least once in their lives.
Aziyade 19 years ago
When I was 14 in Montreal I was never ID'd for alcohol.
KassyNaVerdis 19 years ago
that black and white pic is yummy... shame about the bush/cheney sticker... why are all the cute ones republican?
Senatar 19 years ago
that black and white pic is yummy... shame about the bush/cheney sticker... why are all the cute ones republican?

Not my room , I am a Centrist, but I lean Libertarian.
Danq 19 years ago
Sena is secretly a player
Danq 19 years ago
that black and white pic is yummy... shame about the bush/cheney sticker... why are all the cute ones republican?

Kassy that is because we are not crunchy granola hippies, and we have some self-respect. Haha

Actually where I live I am surrounded by liberal chicks, and I always end up with liberal chicks. The politics stuff rarely if ever is a problem.
Masoyama 19 years ago
dont you get nervous sitting on a couch with two other guys and one of them is sporting 2 condoms?
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Sena is secretly a player

Danq who was it that told you to 'tap that ass' when I first opened the hate boards here and we met. Was that senatar?
Danq 19 years ago
Great question - I don't remember... but for fun lets just say its Senatar
Danq 19 years ago
Out of any people I was guilded with while an officer of NE though, I have to say that Sena was one of the most even-keeled and cool kids I had the pleasure of playing EQ with. Liberal chicks need not phear him If he were my little brother I would totally corrupt him by having him smoke the finest cheeba and allowing him to use an old ID, or pollute him in other non-homosexual ways.