My All Star Line Up
I wanted to do a group portrait for my siblings to go with my new layout at OUAP. I had actually started this weeks ago, but then our family got really sick and I took a break from it. I finally finished it just now...everything is completely pixeled...well ok so I lied..the text ain't pixeled. I don't have that kind of patience lol.
Let me present all star line up.
Bases by La Leche Dollz.
I know all that only Stephie and I are softball freaks lmfao, so it was fun dolling my other siblings in uniforms lol! I'm actually making individual buttons from this portrait for their sibling pages also. I'm a dork like that lol.

19 years ago
Awww, CUTE! These are all the people your siblings with, you mean your site? Is that like a pixle thing? That's too cute!
19 years ago
Stop making cute things LOL
Nice work!
Nice work!

19 years ago
That is so freakin cute!!
It makes me think I should commission you to do one of me and my gal pals I work with
It makes me think I should commission you to do one of me and my gal pals I work with

19 years ago
Yea, those are all the dollers that my doll site, OUAP, is sister sites with. Well actually, it's sibling sites because I do have a brother site LOL! It's more in depth than just being an affiliate or just throwing a link on each other's sites. We're tight online friends, inspirations for one another, we make gifts for each other, offer each other C/C and such. Help one another grow. That kinda thing LMFAO!
Oy! Thanks for the compliment Gilae! That means a lot
I've never commisioned a doll before lol.
Thank you lovelies for the comments, I do appreciate them
These are all the people your siblings with, you mean your site? Is that like a pixle thing?
Yea, those are all the dollers that my doll site, OUAP, is sister sites with. Well actually, it's sibling sites because I do have a brother site LOL! It's more in depth than just being an affiliate or just throwing a link on each other's sites. We're tight online friends, inspirations for one another, we make gifts for each other, offer each other C/C and such. Help one another grow. That kinda thing LMFAO!
It makes me think I should commission you to do one of me and my gal pals I work with
Oy! Thanks for the compliment Gilae! That means a lot

Thank you lovelies for the comments, I do appreciate them