HM Mafia 9:00 PM SERIAL/MAFIA Kills #1: The Silent Chord
Victor rose from the dining room table, hoping nobody would notice.
“Where going be you?†asked the somewhat out of place foreigner. It was hard to tell whether she was suspicious or just curious, the machine didn’t convey tone inflections very well. Either way, Victor had to explain himself.
Blushing a bit he cleared his throat, “It seems mother nature finds my situation quite humorous. I need to find the restroom.†He looked expectantly, a bit hopefully perhaps, at the others around the room. “Anyone else want to tag along,†he said, knowing it sounded less casual then he intended.
A few people shuffled their feet, some looked around at the others, but it was obvious that he was making the walk alone. “Well, I will be right back then,†he said with a nod and turned for the, now open, double doors.
After wandering through a few dimly lit halls and corridors, occasionally calling out for the Lawyer, he found himself becoming strangely interested in the house. Something about it was alluring and he was beginning to feel more confident in his decision to stay the night. He reached for his camera and began snapping off a few shots.
Without realizing it, he found himself in a large room, mostly empty, and as dark as the rest of the house. Somehow, the darkness felt a bit closer here. Victor couldn’t decide if that was disturbing or comforting, but soon, it didn’t matter.
“Oh wow,†he sighed under his breath.
His attention had been drawn, understandable so, to the magnificent grand piano in the center of the room. This thing was huge, bigger then any piano he had ever seen, and pristine. Its black finish glistened and the ivory keys seemed to beg to be played. It really is too bad he had no idea how to play, thought the photographer, as he bent to reload the film in his camera.
The photographer was bending down, rummaging through one of his bags. Perhaps if he hadn’t been distracted it would have been quiet enough to hear the killer coming. Perhaps if he had been standing he would have noticed the other person, moving carefully towards him.
Victor didn’t stand much of a chance; before he had time to let out a startled scream or cry for help the piano wire was tight around his neck, cutting off his ability to speak and breathe. His struggle didn't last long, for he soon lost the strength to resist. As he slipped from consciousness, embracing darkness that was closing in around him, he barely heard a single piano chord over the rushing of his blood in his ears. This was a dark chord, a full chord, a chord of death and the last four notes poor Victor James would ever hear.
The spirit examined its new form, clenching one fist again and again, and smiled. Its head snapped up suddenly and hot pain rushed down its neck.
It was maddening to the spirit, that rich coppery smell, after not smelling anything at all for so long. A terrible, aching hunger consumed the spirit; not a physical hunger, oh no. This was a hunger of ages and ages, gnawing and fierce and bitter.
It was a hunger for pestilence, for pain, for misery. It was a hunger for flesh and blood and death. And maddeningly near was a soul so weakened, so near the end that the spirit feared it would be too late. The spirit hurried along cautiously, pulled closer and closer to the dying form, barely able to contain itself. At last the spirit found Victor, unconscious, the piano wire still around his neck. After checking to ensure the coast was clear, the spirit approached Victor’s near-dead form.
And began to feed.
When someone suggested that the best thing to do was to just close the door and walk away, it hadn’t taken much persuasion to get all of the guests to agree. They could hardly believe this had happened in the first place, and closing their eyes to the cruel realities of this house seemed the best solution. And so the guests took one last look at the scene before them; the white ivory keys of the grand piano splattered with blood, it’s wires a mangled rat’s nest. The blood that soaked the oriental rug and glistened slickly on the black and white tiles. The body, which had been…well, no one was quiet sure what had happened to Victor’s body. Or at least, no one was about to say it out loud. The sight was overwhelming; surely no one really had that much blood? This was some kind of joke. Or a hallucination. It couldn’t be real.
As one, the group headed back to the dining room. There was an unspoken need to stay together, at least for the moment. Even though, of course, this was all part of some elaborate hoax.
Of course.
“Enjoying your stay so far, ladies and gentlemen?â€Â
One of the guests made a rude gesture at the speaking portrait.
“Now. That wasn’t very nice at all, was it?†The portrait spoke calmly, with an unconcerned air, but no one could help noticing that the temperature in the dining room had dropped several degrees by the time the animated painting finished his sentence. “I don’t think you quite understand who you’re dealing with,†the portrait said, its frame beginning to rattle now. “I don’t think you understand at all.†By now the guests could see their breath in white smoky puffs in front of them. The frame of the portrait shook more violently than ever…
And then, suddenly, stopped. In an instant the room was back to normal; it all happened so quickly that the guests could hardly believe the room had ever been cold at all. The fire burned merrily. The portrait gazed out on the guests, but did not move or speak.
No one spoke. A few of the guests gave sideways glances to the doors, but no one moved toward them. They would stay, all of them, and brave whatever dangers lie ahead.
Well, all except Victor, that is.
The hundreds of clocks struck nine times as the guests listened on.
As her boots clicked on the black and white checkered floor, she examined the room, looking for inconsistencies in the wallpaper, or anything else that might give the trick away. It was her understanding that they used mirrors of some kind, though she couldn't see evidence of them anywhere. She smiled, pleased with the designers ingenuity in hiding them. It was then that she noticed the body was missing.
The piano, blood, all there. No body. Where had it gone?
She frowned as she walked over to the piano, stooped down, and ran her fingers through the generous pool that had collected beneath it. Standing back up, she moved the sample of blood between her thumb and forefingers. The color and thickness were very convincing. Hesitating for a moment, she touched her fingers to her tongue, and then spit out the contents of her mouth in disgust. Not corn syrup! Didn't they use corn syrup in America? Then, for the first time, she noticed the faint, but distinct odor of urine. She whispered something to herself, and then nearly hit the ceiling when the Speak and Spell repeated her words back to her: "I am thinking of not being in Kansas anymore."
She looked down at the machine, which she was wearing slung over her shoulder from a canvas strap, and unplugged the microphone.
Her eyes scanned the people before her, who could have done such a thing, Victor had been alone when he left, and no one had joined him when he went to the bathroom.
Grabbing her tote, she pulled a manuscript from it...."Excuse me Maelarya but I was hoping you would look this over and possible agree to star in this production." "please read it and get back to me if you wouldn't mind?"
Handing the script to Maelarya Tatyana goes and huddles next to the fire hoping and praying that she would take the roll, and praying she could find a decent leading man for hte beautiful actress
“Now. That wasn’t very nice at all, was it?†The portrait spoke calmly.
with a loud giggly laughter. Um the picture can talk. That is funny He then, with two fingers, wipes the side of his noze quickly to eliminate any hanging boogers. ANYONE WANT TO PLAY !!!!! Notices the young boy. Ell-oo-ga? Is that yer name? Hi I am Gilbert
Though he had witnessed many deaths, preached many funerals, and been to more houses with his parishoners to "sit" with the dead, nothing in his experience jibbed with murder.
Taking a silk, mongrammed hanky from his pocket, he wiped his cold brow despite the absence of any sweat.
"Satanism." He muttered to the empty room. "Pure and simple evil, devil worshipping, satanists. I bet they've never given a dime to forward the world of Gawd!"
"My money is on that heretic chicken killer. Probably stayed up all night shooting up the mary jane, flipping through a dozen child porn magazines, and just flipped out.
The damn chicken has more sense than he does."
He paused for a minute and let his mind wander over the cast of lost souls he was forced into rubbing elbows with at the moment.
"Could be the retard. Probably afflicted with a demonic spirit. Lawd a'Mercy. Probably had one flung on him by that dope shootin', chicken killer.
I better get back in the dining room and commence to sanctifying."
Bob, paid no more attention to the mangled remains of the piano, the fetid, horrible smelling air, or the mess of blood quietly thickening on the floor.
The fact that no body was found was not even a consideration at this point.
There were sinners here, and evil. And the distinct possibility of donations.
He squared his shoulders, refolded the handkerchef, and strode back into the dining room, his mind awhirl at the possiblities.
"Wow, what a beautif-" He noticed the blood. Quickly he turned his head away. Hand on his hair, just staring at the ground.
"Who could do this, why would they do it, my god." He whispered to himself. Remembering back to those who he had just met, he looked among them quickly. Scanning them all over, their moves, their expressions, their sense of no emotion.
Could it be the Voodoo Master? Tatyana? These thoughts rushed his mind. He paced around the people slowly, hands in his pockets.
"No, I have no idea what's going on.. you go see." She said to the girl. She watched Priscella move off into the crowd, quick as a cat and then turned her attention back to trying to get a better view for herself. First she tried jumping a few times but that got her no where, some people were just too tall, then she stooped to look through the legs of the people staring and murmering.
Blood on the floor ... the crowd shifted enough for her to catch a quick glimpse of the full scene.
"Hey is that guy with the camera dead?" It looked like it, but she was only 8 perhaps this was a game.
With the house being so large and the walls amplifying the tiniest sounds, she surmised the boy's attacker had to be somewhat quiet and able to go unnoticed. Following closely to the edges of the group, Ophelia began eyeing the movements of everyone around her to look for the smallest indication that one of them could be a killer.
As they walked down back to the dining room, Maelarya was silent. Then with a dramatic blink and sigh she thought to herself, 'Man we are fucking screwed.'
Begins Life Anew as a Minister
Plays a Merry Tune on the Way Out
And if that didn't get him the promotion he'd deserved ever since his story about the Pope faking his death so he could live in Gaeta with his corral of young altar boys polishing St. Gabriel's Horn daily, then surely the pictures he had of his boss' 16 and 15 year old daughters showing off their 69 skills would do it.
As everyone had pushed and shoved to get a good view of the body, or rather bloody lack thereof, Alex kept to the back of the gathering. Blood had never been her thing, and she was not about to let herself pass out in front of strangers, one of whom was quite likely a twisted killer. Wringing her hands against the front of her skirt, she watched them all from behind. She spotted the little girl pushing against the crowd and just shook her head. That a child was here in the first place was rather absurd, but to be this close to such an atrocity was unnerving to Alex. She slowly edged closer and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder and knelt down beside her.
"Hi there, Summer wasn't it?" she asked the girl. When she nodded in response, Alex tried a smile. "I'm Alexis, you can call me Alex, though. I don't know about you, but I think I'd rather not see what's up there. How bout you come back here with me while we wait for the others?"
The child stood nearby, her constant chatter with her imaginary friend a rather comforting sort of white noise. Once everyone had seen whatever it was they thought they needed to see, Alex moved ahead and hurried to her seat in the dining room.
After the little scene with the painting, she sat there huddled a bit with her arms wrapped around her, even after the room seemed to settle back to a more mild temperature. Something really eerie was afoot, well besides that talking painting anyway. Alex was beginning to wonder why she'd signed the piece of paper and grew even more determined to stay away from her fellow slumber party guests.
As she looked at the remains of Victor, her mouth hung open. For once, in a long time, she didn't chew her gum.
As the other guests of the house started back towards the dining area, she followed suit.
Jade, oddly, found comfort in her gum. She looked from person to person. Pulling a small cell phone, clad in pink and white flower stickers, from her back pocket, she flipped it open only to see 'Out Of Service'.
To herself, she mutters, "Well, like, now how the hell am I supposed to get Eight hours of beauty sleep if these dudes are totally flipping out on each other. I really wish I woulda brought my cucumber eye treatments for tonight. Oh my God, my eyes are gonna like, totally, be baggy in the morning."
Jade screams.
Noticing everyone looking at her, with looks ranging from fear to confusion, she quickly explains. "Soooooo sorry to like scare ya. I forgot to bring my make-up. Oh my God. This is bogus. Excuse me, umm, blue lady? You have -got to- have make-up with you. I can't beleive I forgot it. Ya see, I've got this totally bitching make-up case, with Bradleys picture on it. When you open it up, it like has three rows of space for my stuff. Oh my God, it has like everything in it. Damn."
"Why is everyone staring at me like that?"
"Oh, right. The dead guy."
Jade quiets down stilled bummed about her lack of make-up.
*blows a bubble and sucks it back in without popping it*
Closing the bathroom door on jade, Maelarya hurled. She had been in enough B movies to know what was fake blood. She rolled her eyes and sighed at her lie. Theatre actress. 'I wish.'
Opening the door she let Jade in and pointed at her bag seated on the closed gold encrusted toilet. Pulling her hair back she washed her make off. Looking up into the mirror she wiped the steam off with her hand. She stared at her softly tanned skin and wondered.
'Where the fuck can I find some pot?'