So what's next?
So, just out of curiosity, is Star Wars Mafia next?
When's the next one start? :P
I need to polish up on my SKin' skills! Cause, you know, girls want guys with skills. You know, like, nunchuck skills.
I caught you all this delicious bass!
19 years ago
I would have loved to play a star wars game, too bad I can't.
19 years ago
Why can't you?
19 years ago
I wasn't lying in my character thread when I said I was going to be gone for two years.
If you are actually interested I am going to go on a religious mission for my church.
If you are actually interested I am going to go on a religious mission for my church.
19 years ago
But in a good way, honest!
*cries more*
But in a good way, honest!
*cries more*
19 years ago
I'll play when I come back though, if you guys are still doing them. I would like to thank you guys for letting me play as well as putting up with my sucky writing, I had a great time.
Just for kicks, if I was able to play this is aproximatly how my character would have gone:
Boarderline obsession with telekenetic abilities.
Admires the sith for showing much more personality than the jedi (ie. Darth Maul's light saber staff, General Grevious' quadruple light sabers, Darth Sidious' obsession with lightning powers.)
Position as Jedi - designing new light saber technologies
Light saber - light saber staff with detachable blades, using prototype experimental recursive technology that is supposed to increase power and strength of the blade.
Just for kicks, if I was able to play this is aproximatly how my character would have gone:
Boarderline obsession with telekenetic abilities.
Admires the sith for showing much more personality than the jedi (ie. Darth Maul's light saber staff, General Grevious' quadruple light sabers, Darth Sidious' obsession with lightning powers.)
Position as Jedi - designing new light saber technologies
Light saber - light saber staff with detachable blades, using prototype experimental recursive technology that is supposed to increase power and strength of the blade.
19 years ago
WOW GEEK! We're gonna miss you, MEC /hug
As for what's next, that's actually still up in the air. There is talk of James Bond in the scheduling though. /dances
As for what's next, that's actually still up in the air. There is talk of James Bond in the scheduling though. /dances
19 years ago
If you ever decide to do a william's street mafia, please wait for me to get back.
19 years ago
I'd laugh if you guys did a Napolean Dynamite mafia
19 years ago
Looking forward to the next one. As I can see in this one, never a dull moment.
19 years ago
We're gearing up to do Star Wars next; looks like the schedule will be signups would start on the 3rd, end on the 8th, roles on the 9th, killing on the the game might last until about the 22nd or so.
19 years ago
Mmmm, much character planning I must do....
Use the Force to trounce everyone, I shall...
Be a short green muppet, I shall not...
Use the Force to trounce everyone, I shall...
Be a short green muppet, I shall not...
19 years ago
Be a short green muppet, I shall not...
19 years ago
Awwww.. but Yoda is the kewelest! SO who here is going to have cinnamon buns stuck on the side of their head? I swear, Padme/Leia's hair stylists should be shot...
19 years ago
Ooo, ooo, ooo!
I could play Yoda, but covered in Chewbacca hair, with buns like Leia...
Damn...that'd be a strange love-child right there...
I could play Yoda, but covered in Chewbacca hair, with buns like Leia...
Damn...that'd be a strange love-child right there...
19 years ago
LMAO! you forgot and have shiny metal armor over it like a storm trooper.