
ok sec thats huge

Runyan 19 years ago
its kinda blurry but eh! thats my graduation, hurrah 4 me.

im out
Nastirith 19 years ago
Yay! Congrats!
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Awwww, cute! What's the medal for? R U SMERT?!!
blazyn 19 years ago
grats sir..where you headed to college?
Gilae 19 years ago
Grats!! Now help me finish my STV quests!
Rikr 19 years ago
Grats!! Now help me finish my STV quests!

You still play?


Gilae 19 years ago
Grats!! Now help me finish my STV quests!

You still play?


I know, I've been sucking. Im getting better though. I'm not as tired as I have been. I actually played on Sunday but with my rl friends on my horde toon. She's a warlock so I wanna get her to 40 and ride around breathing fire!!!

I promise I'll play this week but every time I log on everyone is already doing something somewhere else that I'm too little to get into. I get so lonely!!
Rikr 19 years ago
awe...I'm just givin' you a hard time. Trust me I know about being low. Thats why I have 2 alts....easier to do things sometimes. I've been stuck LFG and I have little patience. I need to move to another zone where there are actually people playing. Unlike the Uldaman cluster fuck that I gave up on after a week.
Gilae 19 years ago

My Lord Liege has spoken. So see you on tonight hehe.
Mai 19 years ago