Ruin a wish - game

Ok, I stole this off of Laney's board. Laney if you're reading this, thanks! =D hehe

Here are the rules, you make a wish and the next person breaks it and makes another.


I wish I had 1 million dollars.

(next poster)

Granted, but you have to use the 1 million for the lawsuit against you for copyright infringement. =D

You get the idea, I'll start!.

I wish I had a brand new car.

Ciphertazi 19 years ago
But then you'd end up not being able to make the payments due to the rising cost of fuel.

I wish I had an unlimited entertainment budget.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Granted, but then you run out of food and your house is repossessed =D
Lasairduan 19 years ago
I wish Mae would have posted another wish when she posted the breaker.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Granted, but my other wish is about Las and now he has elf ears in real life.
Lasairduan 19 years ago
Granted, but then I'd raise the demand of the Q-Tip market to such heights that ear cleaning implements cost more than gas.

I wish that I could work from home.
Ciphertazi 19 years ago
Granted but you'd never get anything done due to "distractions".

I wished Las' sig wasn't so damn sexy.
Mai 19 years ago
Granted, but then then you are slain by the angry mob of women.

I wish the ice in my coke hadn't melted. :P

(We played this on our roleplay board in the ooc section of Avalon. Tons of fun)
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Granted, but now its friggin freezing in your house from keeping your ice cubes cold.

I wish I didnt have a headache.
Ciphertazi 19 years ago
Granted but now we have to figure out how to explain our whereabouts to significant others.

(husbands tale that sex cures headaches.)

I wish I wasn't so embarrased by ruining the previous wish.
Keriath 19 years ago
Granted, But now everyone knows you want to sleep with the signifigant others.

I wish i had caught Osama when iw as in afghan.
Lasairduan 19 years ago
Granted, but then a thousand screaming A-rabs would have thundered down the mountain and slain you by pulling your entrails through your pooper.

I wish I could traverse the internet physically through my sig to ravage the women viewing it while they are in a vulnerable state of lust.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Granted, but then you really would have elf ears =x

I wish I'd get the hell up and get on my treadmill.
Xandare 19 years ago
But then your treadmill would malfunction and launch you into / through a wall...

I wish Angelina Jolie was my sex slave!
Blackrabbit 19 years ago
Granted, but then you'd go broke hiring bodyguards and surveillance systems to ward off the angry mob of jealous men and lesbians.

I wish I had a job!
Jinheim 19 years ago
Yeah, but then you would have to go to it.

I wish my penis wasn't so large and cumbersome.
Gilae 19 years ago
Granted, but then you wouldn't have knocked up me and Rikr.

I wish I somewhere warm and naked!
Mai 19 years ago
Granted, you are warm and naked in sweat shop down in mexico making sombreros for tourists.

I wish that last mafia clue made more sense! :P
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Granted, but then it wouldnt really be a Mafia game. It'd be jeopardy. =D

I wish I'd get up, now that i have gone on my treadmill, and take a shower!
Aniyah 19 years ago
But then you couldn't be here with us.

I wish it was time to leave work. I'm lazy.
Blackrabbit 19 years ago
Granted, but then the space-time continuum would have been thrown totally off-kilter for skipping over several VERY important hours and the entire human race as we know it would have mutated into four-assed gorillas.

I wish I had a prehensile tail!