Problems or questions about VBulletin

Post em here, we'll answer as best we can. Dont forget, update all your info in UserCP.

ROzbeans 19 years ago
Yeah that does it to me too, Kay. There is a mark forums button, if you go up into thread or forum tools within the post. I'm not sure how to fix that though other than just use the mark thread read at the very bottom button when you're done =/
ROzbeans 19 years ago
I'm using vblight and the new post icons are not going away after I read something. I have to hit the Mark Forums Read button to make them refresh. Also could we get a Mark Forum Read button in each forum?

Figured out a way to stop this. Unfortunately you have to back up thru each section to clear it. =/ So for this section it would be: specific post/board suggestions/announcements/TAC front page. Tiresome but effective. =x
Just Erin 19 years ago
TAC Chat link at the top has errors.

Database error: Invalid SQL: DELETE FROM c_messages WHERE m_time < 1122597656
MySQL error: 1146 (Table 'theang00_tac.c_messages' doesn't exist)
Session halted.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
TAC Chat link at the top has errors.

Database error: Invalid SQL: DELETE FROM c_messages WHERE m_time < 1122597656
MySQL error: 1146 (Table 'theang00_tac.c_messages' doesn't exist)
Session halted.

Oh hell, no one uses it anyway lol. It's probably looking at the old database. I fix...well, I'll try haha.
Verileah 19 years ago
Would it be at all possible to get alt tags put in for the "new posts" "no new posts" etc graphics? I browse with images off at work and it would be nice to have the text there.

Yeah, I'm making trouble, sorry
Xandare 19 years ago
I'm probably just a dumass, but I can't seem to figure out how to PM someone, the little pm buttons in the posts aren't there.....?
Mai 19 years ago
Go to the User Control Panel up on the top left. In there you'll find a tab for sending private messages.
Maeya 19 years ago
Hmm not sure if this is the right area, but I'm having a hell of a time telling the difference between new posts in a thread that I've posted in, and just a thread that I've posted in (with no new posts). I'm using the vblight theme. Both icons for me are a red circle with a black dot. How can I tell if there's been a new post in that thread?
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Hmm not sure if this is the right area, but I'm having a hell of a time telling the difference between new posts in a thread that I've posted in, and just a thread that I've posted in (with no new posts). I'm using the vblight theme. Both icons for me are a red circle with a black dot. How can I tell if there's been a new post in that thread?

Well with vbdark, posts with new stuff is bolded, but the color is a little to close to the read links I've noticed. I'll ask Vex to adjust the color some for threads with new posts.
Merreck 19 years ago
I'm probably just a dumass, but I can't seem to figure out how to PM someone, the little pm buttons in the posts aren't there.....?

You can also click on their user name and hit the "Send this person a PM" button.
Maeya 19 years ago
I didn't notice the bolded subject. That'll work too. Thanks =)
Aramous 19 years ago
Currently it is 11:05 am EST. Times are ahead 1 hour. Went into time zones and it is set for EST -5.
Aramous 19 years ago
Tried other time zones and for some odd reason EST does not work properly and yet the others do. As though EST does not exist. ooooo the Twilight Zone...
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Yeah we noticed that. I have never known any message board to have the correct time =(
Xandare 19 years ago
I got that fixed by taking off the daylight savings ime thingy, mine now shows the correct time
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Oh, yer so smart =D
Aramous 19 years ago
I got that fixed by taking off the daylight savings ime thingy, mine now shows the correct time

Got it thanx.
Sartori 17 years ago
I'm having some weird avatar problems.

Earlier tonight, I set an avatar, uploading it from my hard drive. I then viewed some of the posts I had made, and the avatar showed up just fine. When I returned later... no avatar. When I try to upload from my hard drive, I get the message "Unable to move/copy file". When I try linking to a URL, I get the message "Upload failed due to failure writing temporary file". I've tried clicking the radio button for "no icon" and hitting Save, then trying again, but that didn't make any difference. I've tried logging off and back on again, but that didn't make any difference. Any other suggestions as to what I should try next?
Vex 17 years ago
I'm having some weird avatar problems.

Earlier tonight, I set an avatar, uploading it from my hard drive. I then viewed some of the posts I had made, and the avatar showed up just fine. When I returned later... no avatar. When I try to upload from my hard drive, I get the message "Unable to move/copy file". When I try linking to a URL, I get the message "Upload failed due to failure writing temporary file". I've tried clicking the radio button for "no icon" and hitting Save, then trying again, but that didn't make any difference. I've tried logging off and back on again, but that didn't make any difference. Any other suggestions as to what I should try next?

Probably due to us moving servers, File permissions need to be updated
Sartori 17 years ago
Ah, those tricksy file permissions. Working now, thank you!