Worst Movies Ever

Since we have a best movie thread.

My Worst list.

Titanic ( Fucking waste of Celluloid)
Jerry McGuire
The Day After
Lost in Space
Starsky and Hutch (Another Fucking Waste of Celluliod)
Battlefield Earth
The Vampire Chronicles (Both movies Fucking sucked. Interview being a real assfuck of the book.)
Barb Wire
Cool as ice
Dungeons and Dragons
Grease 1&2
Hudson Hawk
Independence Day
The Postman
Shanghai Surprise
Charlies Angels 1&2
Wild Wild West


Sergon 19 years ago
Since we have a best movie thread.

My Worst list.

Titanic ( Fucking waste of Celluloid)
Jerry McGuire
The Day After
Lost in Space
Starsky and Hutch (Another Fucking Waste of Celluliod)
Battlefield Earth
The Vampire Chronicles (Both movies Fucking sucked. Interview being a real assfuck of the book.)
Barb Wire
Cool as ice
Dungeons and Dragons
Grease 1&2
Hudson Hawk
Independence Day
The Postman
Shanghai Surprise
Charlies Angels 1&2
Wild Wild West

Addi 19 years ago
hated.....25th Hour
Addi 19 years ago
hated.....25th Hour
Sergon 19 years ago
I expected more responses on this.

Sergon 19 years ago
I expected more responses on this.

Mileron 19 years ago
Well, eight and a half of the movies on your list I actually like.

2001? Suck.
Mileron 19 years ago
Well, eight and a half of the movies on your list I actually like.

2001? Suck.
Sergon 19 years ago
2001 is one of my favorites. Im a big kubrick fan. Doctor Strangelove was amazing as well.

Sergon 19 years ago
2001 is one of my favorites. Im a big kubrick fan. Doctor Strangelove was amazing as well.

telloran 19 years ago
I'm gonna agree with the suckage of 2001. I can't get through the movie without falling asleep. Err... as a matter of fact, I've never seen the movie in in one sitting.

I really like all of Kubrick's other movies though (err... aside from Eyes Wide Shut, which I haven't seen).

I'll add The Village and Stay to the list as well.
telloran 19 years ago
I'm gonna agree with the suckage of 2001. I can't get through the movie without falling asleep. Err... as a matter of fact, I've never seen the movie in in one sitting.

I really like all of Kubrick's other movies though (err... aside from Eyes Wide Shut, which I haven't seen).

I'll add The Village and Stay to the list as well.
Lasairduan 19 years ago

ROzbeans 19 years ago
Seriously? It looks so good =x
Julie 19 years ago
Leaving Las Vegas. the one with Nick Cage. My husband and I were pleading with the movie to come to and end. In fact this is the movie that instilled the gag rule for DVDs at our house. If, after 45 min we're gagging... we turn it off and watch whatever is on TV. No more enduring a movie just because we paid to rent it.

Sideways. omg how many ways can one drink and discuss wine. seriously.

but I gotta say I liked several of the movies on the first list. Like Independence Day and Wild Wild West. I mean .. Will Smith! nuff said really

Battlefield Earth though was one big wretchfest. John Travolta in dreds. *cry* This was the same man that did Pulp Fiction and Phenomena. what was he thinking.
Den 19 years ago

Saw it yesterday...I slept through about 15 minutes of it, and the rest of it I sat and wondered wtf was going on.

The Last Emperor
Unforgiven (and how these two ever won Oscars is beyond me as well)
Johnny Mnemonic
Hudson Hawk

I know there are a bunch more, but those are the only ones I can think of atm.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
/shriek! Unforgiven rocked my socks! But then I love anything Morgan Freeman is in.
Mai 19 years ago
I liked Johnny Mnemonic and the books it was based on actually.

Battlefield Earth did suck. I'm pretty sure its around here somewhere because the ex said "oooh sci fi" and bought it.
Jinheim 19 years ago
Unforgiven is an awesome movie.
Cobert 18 years ago
Mylec 18 years ago
I still dont know how anyone could put Hudson Hawk on their list. I thought that shit was funny, in a very stupid sorta way