
What do you want most for Christmas?

ROzbeans 19 years ago
A seiko kinetic watch, but I got an ipod for my birthday so I'm pretty much done =x
Sergon 19 years ago

40" Plasma Screen Tv. Thats not going to happen. I get to pay $500 bucks for my gay advelorum tax on my car in 2 weeks. /mourn plasma I know what im getting from my girlfriend and folks already. New running shoes, a golf club, a putter, a new belt and a little cash. We will see how much they give me and go for the TV if it looks like I can swing it.


Temprah 19 years ago
what do I want...? drapes, the bedroom painted, solar screens for the windows, a headboard, a dressing table / vanity, more memory for my computer, photoshop newer than 6.0, and for something completely frivilous and impracticale a gift certificate to a spa... I think X is determined to get me a tablet even though I don't think I have the skills to justify one *sigh*

can you tell I like practical investments for presents?
Blackrabbit 19 years ago
I miss having a horse. I left mine in NY when I moved to this craptastic state. :P
Guest 19 years ago not be sick
Temprah 19 years ago
*e-mails Ry chicken soup and good wishes*
Guest 19 years ago
Masoyama 19 years ago
Kharnage 19 years ago
Bushmaster M4 Carbine with a L.A.M system.

I admit it, I am a redneck.
Gilae 19 years ago
A baby and a couple million dollars so I never have to go to work and deal with stupid people ever again.
Den 19 years ago
New Corian kitchen flat electric stovetop...remodel of the hall landscaping of the front yard...(we bought another house last year :P)...I could go on, but y'all get the gist.
Mileron 19 years ago
A job, apartment, and car in Austin.
Calimaryn 19 years ago
My hubby is getting me what I want: A Vita-Mix Super 5000

*drools on the uber blender*

I am getting him an uber gps device.
Sergon 19 years ago
A job, apartment, and car in Austin.

Where are you at now?
What type of work are you looking for?

AMD is

Just a thought.

Nards 19 years ago
I am getting my gift on Thursday. My girlfriend is getting a boob job on Thursday, and I didn't have to pay for them.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
You're dating someone? We're so e-over.
Nards 19 years ago
I e-hit it and e-quit it.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
You e-wish.
Nards 19 years ago
Afk to get e-screenshots.
ROzbeans 19 years ago