This is how the Geriatric crew rolls

Den 19 years ago
Wow - look at those dimples!
Guest 19 years ago
LOL I love that one guy's velvet blazer.
Sergon 19 years ago
Thats my bestfriend in life. Ive been hanginh with him for 27 years. He's always been very stylish.

ROzbeans 19 years ago
So you are aware that he's wearing a purple velvet jacket. O_o
Guest 19 years ago
I dig it.
Sergon 19 years ago
I dig it.

I do as well

ROzbeans 19 years ago
That's a cute picture of you and your girlfriend. Very sexthy!
Just Erin 19 years ago
zaura 19 years ago
Geriatric??? You sure look younger than I am, LOL. Oh, and you are adorable too!
Gilae 19 years ago
Apparently 35 is geriatric in his world. Y'all look like my kinda crew.
I also dig the velvet jacket. Some stylin' boys thur.
Sergon 19 years ago
If you cant tell the middle picture is from the after party about 5 am. I have some more silly pics I can post of both nights. Some shots where Im not entirely sober We partied both friday and Saturday night.

Thats pretty much my entire crew, well the ones that I consider friends. 3 guys are missing. 2 were sick and the other lives in California now.

Gilae 19 years ago
Post the drunk shots.
Sergon 19 years ago
I'll post them a little later when I get home from my afternoon meeting.

immy 19 years ago
I wanna see more pictures of the guy in the second photo, foreground, with the black shirt on.
He's yummy.
Dia 19 years ago
i thought that was you in your sig /pouts
Sergon 19 years ago
i thought that was you in your sig /pouts

If your talking to me. That's William Hung in my sig. I love that guy. I have never cried more than the night I downloaded his album inspiration. His renditions of "I believe I can Fly" and "Hotel California" will bring tears to your eyes they are that moving.

Adiene 19 years ago
nice picts, looks like fun crew to hang with
Sebastionleo 19 years ago
omg i didnt know he did hotel california... *downloads the William Hung version of Hotel California, then kills him for ruining such an amazing song*
Sergon 19 years ago
Per your request Immy.

FYI He's Gay

immy 19 years ago
Thanks =)
He's still yummy to look at - gay or not.