SRR is back

per Xani

ROzbeans 19 years ago
You know how many im's i got today about this? =x Y'all are nuts.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Jesus, I checked the member's list and Bloodcell is already in the top 3 for posting. I refuse to register now.
Rikr 19 years ago
I have a morbid curiosity to go see. C'mon know you want it.
Linus 19 years ago
faedie is the only thing annoying that goes on there, she picked up right where it died before and its pissing me off.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Sweet heart, what did you expect from a hate board for Solro? I's solro, we're all a bunch of wild thugs who's popularity was built on our ability to hate and talk shit. Not that there's anything wrong with that. =D
Aramous 19 years ago
Linus just put the hammer down on all the baby shit. Hopefully this helps.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Putting the hammer down will come across as 'Miralyssa...ish' and 'censoring'.
Aramous 19 years ago
Linus just put the hammer down on all the baby shit. Hopefully this helps.

Spoke too soon
Linus 19 years ago
yeah but its confined to one thread, I am not censoring, Im just asking that faedies retarded spamming stop, my post went like this.....

I understand MANY people are leary about coming back here, or taking it seriously so I am taking steps to keep this place fresh. That means that all the old BS, between 4-5 members is going to be monitored and deleted if need be because frankly I am sick as shit of hearing about it as well. I spoke to Faedie about it and she has agreed to tone it down a bit.

Now, I'm not saying dont talk about old shit, but how many times do we need to hear about how gay zitbug is, or ANYTHING about Dirtle, as far as I'm concerned, this place has started over so lets act like it. A lot of the old people are playing again so it's not like its gonna be dull topics, it should be able to be current and change as needed.
dirtle 19 years ago
no more dirtle chat? haha
Linus 19 years ago
no more dirtle bashing chatfrom a year ago, that shit got old., and the same rules will apply to you as them.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
I'm changing Linus' title to 'The Regulator'. Fucking turns me on, boy.
Blackrabbit 19 years ago
I don't think I've ever visited any solro board outside my own guild boards. What's the appeal? And is this just really all bashing on people left and right?

Can Roz and I sign up and have a furniture-throwing fight online for shits and giggles?
Vulash 19 years ago
Towards the end I just went to the wow forum and the movie/music forum - I didn't even read the hate forum since every post was sorta like this

Wildbug: Dirtle you am s uck irl I hate you I win at this forum roflzmaoz
Dirtle: Fuck you zitbug everyone hates you how can you winz?
Faedie: Donkey Punch bitches
Blakdecree: I repeat what Wildbug says and I win

repeat 600000 times
Vulash 19 years ago
That wasn't a jab at dirtle, more towards the endless annoyance and spam of the other 3.
dirtle 19 years ago
I've already made one person leave the board without even saying much. I still got the touch.
Linus 19 years ago
yeah disco acted like a bitch right there, i dont understand that.
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Disco showed up and already left? Dang.
dirtle 19 years ago
Disco showed up and already left? Dang.

Go look, it's the perfect definition of "bitch"
Cobert 19 years ago
I think someone would know what to expect by signing up, but hey, we all can't be normal.