Racial slurs for adjectives - an incident at Best Buy.

So there I am in Best Buy, walking off disgusted with my husband and daughter looking over 360 games that only appeal to them. I declare that I would be in the dvd horror section, picking out an expensive movie when a female and male employee walk by me and another woman talking about some game. Loud and clear as a bell, the male exclaims:

'Oh man, that's just JEWED!'

What the...? I turned and watched the two walk off laughing. The male is Caucasian and the female is spanish. My mouth drops open and my attempt to find an old horror movie made in the 80's has been aborted. I look at the woman standing next to me who is also watching the pair. She looks back at the movies, shakes her head and sighs.

'Did he...just say what I think he just said?' I ask her slowly.

She looked at me and nodded. 'Yes, he did say what we think he just said.'

'Did he say...?'

'He sure did say...'

I took a step past her and tried tippy toeing over the shelves to see where he went. I look back and her and ask again.

'He did say...'

She laughed, 'Yeah and I can't believe he said it either.'

'Oh no.' I walk off towards the employee and stop him over by the car alarms.

'Hi, excuse me?'

The male is now standing with 3 other employees who all stop and look at me.

'Did you just say the word 'Jewed' while you were walking thru the dvd horror section?'

Little smile, but mostly blank look, 'Oh yeah, I did.'

'....Uh...you are aware that...that's a bad thing?'

'I was just talking about some new game release.'

'Wh...?' I reached out and touched his name tag. TIM. 'Thank you, Tim.'

I go back to the 360 section and tell Mike what happened. He gave me a sad look and said, 'Well, was he young?' He was. 'Well...that generation...'

I walk off again, this time towards the digital cameras. I ask a nice older man if I could speak to a manager. He was most helpful and directed me to 'Darren.'

I start with my story, 'Ok...now...I'm old. I'm in my 30's...maybe it's just me but...' Then I tell him the whole story.

Darren replies with his eyes wide, 'I'm sorry, what?'

I explain again.

'Ma'am...I am SO sorry.' He goes on to tell me about Best Buy not have tolerance for intolerance and said he would talk to him. I explained I wasn't trying to narc on him and get him fired but maybe it wasn't my position to let him know that he's a pig. That would be more Darren's job.

So...is it me or is the younger generation living by a different set of socially acceptable rules? Mike and I discussed political correctness but I said, how could any kid NOT know that saying something was JEWED was a racial slur and offensive? In this day and age, where racial strife seems so prevalent in schools and tv. Mike countered, 60 years after the Holocaust, how could a 20 year know? Right now the racial tension is with black, muslims and latinos. Gone are the days of jews being persecuted, seemingly.

Is it me...?

Verileah 17 years ago
*thinks* I have heard 'jewed' or 'gyped' before but not very often. It doesn't sound like he was using it the way it is typically used so maybe the terms are making a comeback under cover of a new context. This is nothing new though. Look at how many times the word 'gay' is used in a derogatory context and no one even blinks - I think that one is so commonly used that people have forgotten that it's a bigoted thing to say. I have seriously had to explain using very small words why using 'retard' or 'retarded' as a means of insulting someone/thing is just -incredibly- crass....and honestly that one is considered so acceptable in popular culture that most of the time it would just be fighting a losing battle to say anything. All that said, it really is good to be vigilant...just that it's also exhausting. My kid is going to know better than to use words like that but beyond that I guess it's live and let live with the knowledge that...I don't know, I'm just getting cynical now. This kind of crap is still quite alive and well and I think people have always picked and chosen what bigotry is offensive and what is 'just the way soandso talks'.
Prosecution 17 years ago
Basically I think this is to some degree a backlash against the politically correct 90's. All these words have turned into adjetives and no longer racial slurs to the current generation.

But if it makes you feel any better, that language is not tolerated inside my store. And I have threatened peoples jobs for using the "N" word.

Honestly I could care less what it means today or 20 years ago, I find it unprofessional, and don't tolerate it.

Adiene 17 years ago
yeah today these sayings are more or less used as regular adj.'s

These sayings today hold no moot to younger gen.s, they just hear people saying them and dont even think of the true meaning behind them only what they have evolved to now days....
I find allot of it due to gaming and its overly used in there like the term "raped", its used so commonly and if you bring up that its disrespectul and hurtful to people that have been thu a rape they just laugh at you and say "its just a saying, grow up" ... obvisouly they have neve been thu it or known someone close that has.
Same with retarded and ghey... and these are sayings that I hear everyday and I admit growing up I said thats retarded and shit all the time till my cuz , whom is retarded pointed out that it was hurtful and disrespectful to him =/ then I felt like shit .. saying them without actually taking time to think about what they really refered to ya know =/ I try my best not to say anything like this anymore , growing up and saying tarded for so long its like trying to quit cigs or drinking sometimes ya know .. old habbits and all My kiddos know better .. atleast I hope that I have brought them up with a sense of some respect of others. =x
Mylec 17 years ago
I personally don't consider "gay" or "retarded" in the same category as racial/ethnic slurs. Gay is used by homosexual people all the time, like when NPH came out of the closet recently and said "I'm gay". How, fag or dyke is another issue, I would consider those slurs, but not gay. The word gay just happen to evolve from meaning happy, to homosexual, and now to stupid or lame. Retarded just evolved from meaning slow, to a medical description of someone's mental state (mentally retarded) to...stupid or lame I guess (kinda synonomous with gay now).

Even slurs are only such if they offend someone. I have an Italian friend that uses Guinea, wop and dego more than anyone else I know. Have I ever called him any of those? Sure, and he has called me a kraut. We both know we're just playing and so its ok. I've called some of my black friends "nigga", because they have called me it many times. Again, we are not being offensive to each other, the word doesn't hold any malice between us. Now, if all of us here were in a room, would I walk up to Gylius and say "Yo, what up nigga?" Absolutely not. We dont know each other and I wouldn't be disrespectful like that. I just think that the intent is more important than the word, and in many occasions among friends and family slurs have actually been turned into more along the lines of terms of endearment or to mean that the two of you are close. Which IMO is actually a good thing. A good way to take away the hurt from words like that is to change their meaning.

I do agree though that none of these words have a place in a professional environment.
ROzbeans 17 years ago

I do agree though that none of these words have a place in a professional environment.

Exactly. Now, I say Fucktard because, come on people, there are some fucktards out there. I've said ghey but in the back of my mind I would always think, 'I can't say gay because that's offensive'. Really, what's the difference? So am I a hypocrite - probably but I'm a pretty one.

Do I talk like that at work or around people I don't know. Never. Of course Mike and I spent the entire day whispering 'jewed' to each other (not around catherine) just to prove that we're not old fuddy duddies. Well, to prove that I'm not. I suppose it's because I'm a mom to a child that is now old enough to be confused by something like that. If Catherine had heard that and asked me what it meant, I would've brought her over to the kid and had him explain it to her.
Gylius 17 years ago
Racism is in now. It's the cool thing to do. Just like Kramer!


Hilarious Kramer, hilarious.
ROzbeans 17 years ago
Considering how his career is going, this will probably put him in the limelight for about 8 minutes. Creative genius. O_o
Calimaryn 17 years ago
I intensely dislike slurs of any kind and completely do not understand 'jewed'. I try very hard to not say things like gay or retarted and when Angel does, I read her the riot act about it. I would much rather have her say 'ass' then 'retard' or 'shit sucks' rather than 'ghey' or any other spelling of it. It is incredibly rude and disrespectful.

I hope the lil fucker got fired ROz. hehe But then again, I am mean.
Verileah 17 years ago
I know what gay and retard mean. Jew isn't considered offensive by any of the Jews I know but it depends on the context in which the word is used. Intent matters and ignorance has never been an acceptable excuse before... It's crap, and yeah I imagine we've all said crappy things but that doesn't make it less crappy. *shrugs*

Mylec, my entire point was that certain derogatory word usage is accepted as 'just the way the words evolved' or other such nonsense, and others are reviled to the point where polite people don't repeat them at all. And yes, it is nonsense, just like the people who use the n word and claim they're 'only talking about a certain -kind- of black person.
Vulash 17 years ago
None of these things bother me really, but I'm a white male. Typically when I hear them people don't intend them in the way they are taken. I said "jewed" in early high school and never even once stopped and thought about what i was saying - so many words have double meanings it didn't occur to me it was actually a play on "Jews" and I didn't think about Gyped as "gypsey" until this thread.

Really many of these words are only a big deal because they are made a big deal. Gay is a good example of a word that since the gay community didn't allow that word to be a bad one it's completely taken on a dual meaning, and when people say it they aren't thinking homosexual at all.

I personally think people today are way overly sensitive. No offense to those in this thread, and I"m sure in some circumstances they are actually bad. Any time they further hate or racism they aren't good, but often if you let it slide and don't take it in a bad way since it wasn't intended that way you avoid a needless fight.

Almost every word used in any sense as an adj that isn't really a word is offensive to some group, and everyone is so worried about offending people today that it just fuels them even more.

I'm sure my opinion won't be popular today.
Vulash 17 years ago
Plus - I don't consider Best Buy a business environment. It's a place high school kids and college kids go to work for minimum wage - it's not a white collar corporation. It's mostly kids.

I guess what I'm saying is - I'm not going to start saying "Golly gee willikers" just so someone isn't offended when I don't mean anything offensive (ps I don't say jewed, it never caught on). And also I've gamed with most of you :P I've heard how you talk lol
ROzbeans 17 years ago
I guess it's hypocritcal for me to say some racial slurs are ok, some aren't but honestly 'jewed' just fucking burns me. I keep trying to tell myself, I am educated enough to find better words to better describe how I'm feeling, but unfortunately 'fucktard' usually sums it up =D
Nektar 17 years ago
Plus - I don't consider Best Buy a business environment. It's a place high school kids and college kids go to work for minimum wage - it's not a white collar corporation. It's mostly kids.

I guess what I'm saying is - I'm not going to start saying "Golly gee willikers" just so someone isn't offended when I don't mean anything offensive (ps I don't say jewed, it never caught on). And also I've gamed with most of you :P I've heard how you talk lol

Best Buy is an international business. Here in Montreal, they're in direct competition with Futureshop, the one chain that seems to outsell them in Canada.

Any racial/religious slur reflects badly on a business, and word of mouth spreads quickly. As a result, my fellow stupid Frogs and otherwise ignorant anglo Squareheads will continue to shop Futureshop because its employees don't spew anti-semitic comments.
Nektar 17 years ago
Sorry, I find this system increasingly hypotrical. I'm both British and French-Canadian, so I'm somehow entitled to criticize both cultures. But I'm barred from commenting on other cultures. That's conveniently off borders. Why exactly is that?
Mylec 17 years ago
Racism is in now. It's the cool thing to do. Just like Kramer!


Hilarious Kramer, hilarious.

Yeah, not to take this conversation off on a tangent and derail it but...what the HELL was Kramer thinking?

I saw the unedited clip of this this morning and his apology. To me it seemed like he just lost it and then was trying to reign it in and make it into some kind of joke when he started talking about him being the man but...damn, that was just uncalled for. Like Paul Rodriguez said, you kept waiting for a punchline that never comes. I don't know if the guy truly has racist beliefs (although I suspect so) or he was just trying to be funny and failing miserably, but he shouldn't have said what he said. As far as his future career is concerned, I think its time for the fat lady to start warming up.
Kelefane 17 years ago
Calling something "gay" to me has always meant you were referring to that something as being "dumb"

Gyped is someone being the victim of thievery

Jewed is like being taken advantage of and being ripped off

The "N" word is just another slang word certain people use for "dude'...kinda like...Hey, whats up dude! (But insert the N word)

Im with Vulash -- None of the above has ever bothered me and ive been around people all my life thats used the above words but never meant anything racist or wrong by them.
Mai 17 years ago
Are you black, a jew, or gay? If not then who really cares whether it bothers you or not. You're not the one who has that word as a label. I can say that I've had Honky, white trash and a few other things throw my way that were insulting by the words themselves and by their tone. Some people might say that those weren't meant to be offensive. Personally I think that I have the right to be offended by those words and those that fit the catagory of the racial slurs mentioned in this post also have the right to be offended.
Vulash 17 years ago
"Are you black, a jew, or gay? If not then who really cares whether it bothers you or not"

That's funny because I don't recall the thread saying "Only blacks, jews, and gays answer this question". I don't think it's fair to say no one else can have an opinion.

Extreme example. I have hairy toes. It pisses me the fuck off when poeple make fun of hairy toes. Is this dumb? Well if you don't have hairy toes you have no right to decide if it's dumb or not, and your opinion doesn't mean jack. See what I mean? You can't qualify it like that. And yes, that was extreme, and weird.
barce 17 years ago
You have hairy toes?? Thats just gross and wierd. You must be related to big foot.

On a positive note, I have hairy toes to!
Bendir 17 years ago
Who cares if anyone says 'gyped'? When was the last time a gypsy tapped you on the shoulder and asked you to show some tolerance and respect. Never, that's when. This is very reminiscent of the new GEICO commercials with cavemen.

Same goes with "don't be an indian giver." I offended some Indians? I suppose you mean all 10 of them we failed to kill. Let me tell you something about Indians; they're too drunk to give a shit. And the ones that arent drunk are ripping me off in their casinos. You shuffle seven decks at your blackjack tables, fucking Indians.

I said "jewed" in early high school and never even once stopped and thought about what i was saying - so many words have double meanings it didn't occur to me it was actually a play on "Jews"

How is this not painfully obvious? "Jew + ed = Jewed" Fuck, you must be retarded.

Saying retarded is ok. Retards come in black, white, brown, straight, gay, christian, jew and muslim. I think we can all agree that the mentally and physically handicapped arent whole people. They probably don't have souls. How can we possibly hate them more than God already does?