Yule Ball on Smmo

The turn in was midnight last night and by then I was holding my husband's spare drink while he killed the one he was holding. O_o I emailed my stuff to Jenna and she posted it at midnight, but I'm not surprised to see the same people not turning in even remotely close to the turn in time. /rolls eyes Why even sign up if you can't post within 24 hrs of the deadline, christ?

Anyway, there were some nice turn ins, a lot of newer poser people who are getting better. Not so many dolls, not like there used to be. Sad though, I remember when there would be like 4 pages of turn ins. =x That was years ago though. Anyhoo, I love mine =D Merreck did a beautiful version of Carol which I'm attaching. SQUEE!

Laney 18 years ago
I saw Merreck's drawing, I can honestly say my jaw hit the ground as I oogled the piece. I'm jealous, Roz. LOL!

I agree about the SMMO exchanges, I haven't participated in the last 3. I can't imagine having more than 4+ weeks to work on a project and gifting your person something that looks like you just threw it together that night or the night before. Unfortunately, that's what most of the exchange events have boiled down to.
Trakhina 18 years ago
My turn in piece pales in comparison to the great work I saw. Fiddled like mad woman to the very end on the dress piece. The one thing I was extremely happy with is the santa hat. Alot of trial and error.
ROzbeans 18 years ago
There are just those people who have the same excuse. Oh my cpu died /cough. Whatever. A couple people were sick, including Temp's husband and life and death is a pretty good excuse lol. Truth be told, I'm venting about one person in particular who doesn't even come here anymore, but I still think it's shitty.
Merreck 18 years ago
Roz, I am so so happy you like the portrait! I was thrilled that I got to do you (hee hee). Everytime I have posted something for crit, you have always given it; and it has definitely helped me develope my skills.

I really have to agree... a good majority of the fun is being able to post when people are stalking the thread, and watching all the new turns ins as you refresh the page.

/runs off to upload her gifties!
Sarah 18 years ago
That dress took me two weeks of fiddling to get it right then I got the farking flu so I didn't get to make more, but it is sad when you are given such a long time and wait until the last second to make something, then don't turn it in until the dealine is almost up.

I stayed up late to turn mine in at midnight, that was a first for me. I usually do it at six or so in the morning when I get up. It was fun to chat with everyone and see everything as it was posted. I'm going to try and do that everytime now.

Now time for the exchange here! Go go TAC Exchanges!
Temprah 18 years ago
This time I feel like a complete heel.. I usually do mine in the last few weeks. More because I seem to work well under a deadline than laziness. I usually "build" my person as soon as I get the assignment and do them up in standard armor, kind of like a character study.. then I take a couple weeks to think of a scene. Except this time with me being sick then X getting so sick well.. =X I guess thank goodness I do it that way! They were all ready to go, but I basicly had to do in 3-1/2 days what I do in a couple weeks. I feel like such a heel and I know Dreya said she loved it but I see soooo many little mistakes I wish I'd had time to fix *sigh*.

PS - That Carol is gorgeous!!
ROzbeans 18 years ago
I know you have up to the Sunday morning the mods for the event wake up to turn in, but I'm one of those people who do the midnight turn in =x I do mine within the last week as well, so I'm guilty of being lazy =D
Temprah 18 years ago
grrrrr.... I am *so* sick of having to list credits. I go through adding and deleting so much crap from a secene in trial and error that it's really hard to remember what is what, let alone who made the damn thing. It's probably the main reason I have dropped off posting much on SMMO. I don't make pictures to make myself work it's supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyment thing. Instead I sit here and spend 30+ minutes checking webstores to figure out what some of the crap I used is. If someone actually WANTS to know what something is that's one thing but DAMN people we all shop at the same stores...!
ROzbeans 18 years ago
I usually just generalize what I use. I'm not going to sit there and list off v3, v3 morphs etc. I'll note the armor and any props but if it's a complicated scene, I don't bother. So my general rule is: morph (maybe skin texture), hair, armor, background, any DA stuff if I can remember.

There are those who just flat out lie and say shit's their own, which is who they're aiming stuff like that at.
tamaelia 18 years ago
I was pretty surprised you would have to credit 3D stuff really. Its not exactly relevant which morph I initially used... given how much I moved dials anyway. And really, if someone wants to know where I got my background or where I bought Figure_04 from, can't they PM or msg me to ask?

Its not like you are trying to say you made your own "V3" base by not posting its credit. Just struck me as really odd. I dunno.. maybe I am persnickity today.
Trakhina 18 years ago
Because I need to vent somewhere and I'm the type who dwells on things til stress takes over and sleep is lost. Is it so hard to post a thank you? Even if you don't like the exchange piece made for you? Even "your shit sucks" would've been enough cause it's feedback! I'm still new to art, even newer to exchanges but I just didn't slap together artwork without thought and call it an exchange piece. *sigh*

Thanks for listening. *hangs head and skitters away*
Temprah 18 years ago
Sorry to hear you didn;t get a thanks Trak! Have you checked your PMs? I know I sent a PM thanks and didn;t post on the thread..
Trakhina 18 years ago
Nope. Just all of Jenna's reminders!
ROzbeans 18 years ago
Aww =/ Yeah it's nice to hear if someone likes your gift, considering how much effort goes into it. /hug
Merreck 18 years ago
It looks like she gave her stuff to Jenna ahead of time to post, so maybe she is out of town or something, and hasn't seen your (very beautiful, I might mention) gifts. *hugs*
Trakhina 18 years ago
If a post wasn't made the next day in the V4 freebie ware, I'd of thought the same. Once I got it off my chest, I felt and slept better. Just raising awareness to common courtesy and how something so simple can shake a persons confidence. Maybe that's just me though who thrives on feedback.
Merreck 18 years ago
I missed that post, sometimes not all new posts show for me... but yeah, I totally agree with you. *hug*
Lunna 18 years ago
I know this is dead thread but I just had a comment/question/thought about the credit thing.

If you spend your money on any tool or item that you then use to create artwork I don't see where you need to give credit unless you want to. Ex. If I spend my money and purchase clip art and then use it in a brochure I do not have to and I will not put credit on the brochure.

I've worked in the graphic design and publishing industry for years and I know about copywright and credit. I was alittle suprised at the requirements for posting art on SMMO. Not that I'm going to complain, their board their rules and all. I just think it's abit over board.
ROzbeans 18 years ago
For me it bothers me when I see people who have, in the past, not credited shit and either claimed or 'let' people think they created the piece. When I look at the 3d section over at smmo - I like seeing the credits only because I want to know what he or she used. There is someone over there (not over here) that is notorious for not crediting, so it burns me when I see this person leave out credits. It's a double standard, I know.
Darsa 18 years ago
I know I'm guilty of doing just that and it KILLS me when I have gotten a PM in the past saying "you did a lovely job but you forgot the credits!" I feel like a total ass

I really believe that credits are important and necessary; heck, *I* could never make that stuff! Just because I happen to use that particular item on a piece I'm doing certainly doesn't allow me to claim ownership of it! That would be like me claiming ownership of, say, Roz's sig because I have that same dress in my Poser runtime! On the other side, when I put something together, I think that ONE time I've signed my work... I don't remember to do that, EVER.

So, there's my 2 cents; give me a little time and you'll have enough pennies to buy a coffee