Yule Ball on Smmo
The turn in was midnight last night and by then I was holding my husband's spare drink while he killed the one he was holding. O_o I emailed my stuff to Jenna and she posted it at midnight, but I'm not surprised to see the same people not turning in even remotely close to the turn in time. /rolls eyes Why even sign up if you can't post within 24 hrs of the deadline, christ?
Anyway, there were some nice turn ins, a lot of newer poser people who are getting better. Not so many dolls, not like there used to be. Sad though, I remember when there would be like 4 pages of turn ins. =x That was years ago though. Anyhoo, I love mine =D Merreck did a beautiful version of Carol which I'm attaching. SQUEE!

I agree about the SMMO exchanges, I haven't participated in the last 3. I can't imagine having more than 4+ weeks to work on a project and gifting your person something that looks like you just threw it together that night or the night before. Unfortunately, that's what most of the exchange events have boiled down to.

I really have to agree... a good majority of the fun is being able to post when people are stalking the thread, and watching all the new turns ins as you refresh the page.
/runs off to upload her gifties!

I stayed up late to turn mine in at midnight, that was a first for me. I usually do it at six or so in the morning when I get up. It was fun to chat with everyone and see everything as it was posted. I'm going to try and do that everytime now.

Now time for the exchange here! Go go TAC Exchanges!

PS - That Carol is gorgeous!!

There are those who just flat out lie and say shit's their own, which is who they're aiming stuff like that at.

Its not like you are trying to say you made your own "V3" base by not posting its credit. Just struck me as really odd. I dunno.. maybe I am persnickity today.

Thanks for listening. *hangs head and skitters away*

If you spend your money on any tool or item that you then use to create artwork I don't see where you need to give credit unless you want to. Ex. If I spend my money and purchase clip art and then use it in a brochure I do not have to and I will not put credit on the brochure.
I've worked in the graphic design and publishing industry for years and I know about copywright and credit. I was alittle suprised at the requirements for posting art on SMMO. Not that I'm going to complain, their board their rules and all. I just think it's abit over board.

I really believe that credits are important and necessary; heck, *I* could never make that stuff! Just because I happen to use that particular item on a piece I'm doing certainly doesn't allow me to claim ownership of it! That would be like me claiming ownership of, say, Roz's sig because I have that same dress in my Poser runtime! On the other side, when I put something together, I think that ONE time I've signed my work... I don't remember to do that, EVER.
So, there's my 2 cents; give me a little time and you'll have enough pennies to buy a coffee