To All the Mom's here

Happy Mothers day!

Hope you all get spoiled, & have a wonderful day with your munchkins, whether they're still little, or all grown up!

ROzbeans 17 years ago

Jello 17 years ago
Happy Mother's Day!

Laschae 17 years ago
Happy Mothers Day
Den 17 years ago
Happy day!!

My daughter is 6 hours away, but she did send me a beautiful bunch of flowers, and even better, next year she'll be living here again!! WOOT.
Viriu 17 years ago
Happy Mother's Day!!

I so cannot wait til mine little guy is big enough for homemade gifts

(anticipates macaroni necklace)
Lessa 17 years ago
Happy mother's day!

hehe my (4 yr old) had her brother help her draw and cut out a heart from paper, and the other two brought me flowers and muffins for breakfast ( with help from grandma) And the oldest ( 11) bought me an itunes gift card.
FyreGarnett 17 years ago
woohoo!!! Happy Momma's Day!!!

The daycare helped the kids make gifties, so i have 2 big hearts glued together filled with glitter and cottona and sparlkies and in the middle the teacher glued a picture of the munchkin. It is so cute!!! I just wish they had made them wall hangable... Oh well!!
Trakhina 17 years ago
Happy Mother's Day!
Merreck 17 years ago
Happy Mother's Day!
Adiene 17 years ago
happy late mothers day hehe. We spent the day out after I got to sleep in till noon hehe so I am late on getting posted
Sarah 17 years ago
Happy if belated Mother's Day to all the mommies!!