SPR06: Free-Hand!

Since Ive been visiting these ( and other) boards people who do freehand have always seemed to complain about drawing hands.. So.. For this one, draw or paint the best hand.. pair of hands or handlike appendages ( claws or paws or hoofs even) in 30 minutes or less!

oh and If i messed this up.. sorry!

Rae 17 years ago
That's just evil! But, I need the practice, so I will give it a try when I get home.
SnowDragon 17 years ago
I will have to agree it is very evil. I will try to do later tonight. Still trying to catch up on the other ones.
Rae 17 years ago
Saraquael 17 years ago
Drawing materials are put away at the moment so I have to go digital for this.

Mai 17 years ago
Nice hands!
Rae 17 years ago
Can we make a new rule where Saraquael has to draw with his other hand? j/k.

Saraquael do you look at your free hand as a model or do you have other tricks and techniques that you use?

It usually takes me a while to get the proportions right on hands. If I could get away with everyone I drew having nothing but stumps I would do it. But I found these tutorials that helped a bit so I thought I would share.


Saraquael 17 years ago
I have in the past used my own hands as reference. This drawing is actually the hand I draw with so I couldn't reference it.

I've just drawn a lot of hands in the past so I'm a bit more comfortable with them these days.

The drawn hands are also manlier than my own.
Wystro 17 years ago

Hands are magical expression and almost as wonderful as faces. I think that the trick is not to get so caught up in a catalogue of details and just do something with it.
tamaelia 17 years ago
Oooh, its like holding up to the light! I like it Wystro!

Saraquael, you are a lefty huh? If that were something I drew, I would have erased the miscellaneous squiggles and such that you have left in, it definately looks better with them there LOL *curse me and my obsessive erasing!*

Rae, that is a very cool hand! You needn't have stressed, it looks good
Saraquael 17 years ago

Hands are magical expression and almost as wonderful as faces. I think that the trick is not to get so caught up in a catalogue of details and just do something with it.

It looks like an alien shuttle opened up and the person is shielding the bright lights form their eyes with their hands.

tamaelia - I write and draw left handed, everything else is right handed though. I tend to keep all my sketchy stuff in when I doodle/sketch. for regular work, I'm pretty anal about it all as well.
Calimaryn 17 years ago
Ok, so its not a human hand!

Verileah 17 years ago
eeek claw!

I did this during a fit of emo...ness. So looks kinda different :\.