
I went to visit a friend in Tennessee and they had this Screen saver on their pc that flashed pictures of their kids/family. My question : Is this something I can do on any pc or is this a setup you buy somewhere and put together with your pictures? Second one sounds most likely, but thought Id ask anyway and see if anyone knows howtodo/ wheretobuy.

Thanks a ton !

Andrina 20 years ago
Nalla dear, right click your desktop and then click properties. Then go to the Screensavers tab and set it to " My Pictures Slideshow" in the drop down bar. Whatever pictures you have in your "My Pictures" file, it will flash on your screen. You can set the time also. I.E If your away from your computer 15 min and haven't touched it, they will come up. You can set it to whatever minutes you like. Hope this helps! /hugs
Guest 20 years ago
Ive been through the whole thing and I swear Ive never seen anything like that....

Im gonna go check again, and then Im gonna kick myself if I see it.


Thanks Andri
Guest 20 years ago
Yup I was right. I was beginning to feel stupid, but I dont have this. What version of Microsoft do you have?Maybe its attached somehow to what version you have, or what computer?

Anyway, guess Im gonna have to DL it somewhere
ROzbeans 20 years ago
Are you running windows xp? Sounds like an xp feature, I run windoes2k though. Also I'm sure if you google 'screen saver slide show' it'll pop up some freebie programs. I'm so lazy, I haven't checked yet.
Yabtin 20 years ago
windows xp feature
Nalla Trueheart 20 years ago
Thanks for the info. yeah I have 2k I think, so thats why I cant find it. Appreciate it!