Eve and Pirates go hand in hand so , yeah

This month's Exalted Crayon of the month is being given in high secrecy, mostly because it is another long standing member, Staff and amazing artist. She has a penchant for pirate porn and has a misleading pure name =D This person is helpful with her art and gracious with her fun personality. It is an honor to award August's Exalted Crayon of the month to Eve!
I first met her over at Norrath's Studio back when she did screen-shot and pixel art. We both began to dabble in poser after Vex hood winked us into the 3D world and she has since excelled in the craft, producing beautiful and creative pieces of art. She came over to TAC in 2004 and was part of the creative team that helped start Sanguine Affliction off and running. She is also co-admin of Tradewinds3D over at Deviant.art with BloodRedSangre and is now starting her foray into the 3D merchant biz with her extremely detailed and gorgeous backgrounds.
Eve has been a good friend, a silly goober and a dirty pirate girl. Join me in showcasing her as this month's TAC EXALTED CRAYON. We luv ya, you wench!