
Hosting my brother's pics. Behold, my older brother:

This one was taken when we went to go visit their new son, Elijah. Taken...May 2000 I think.

Same trip, Catherine was 9 months old. Chunky little bugger.

Paul and his hippy days.

Guest 20 years ago
Dang, Mae's bro is ultra-brown. He makes Mae look like whitey.
ROzbeans 20 years ago
YES YES, he did ask our mom to tell me to tone down my foundation when we were getting dressed for his wedding. My mother said, 'paul that's her skin.'

I finished highschool in washington state. There is NO SUN! =( I was SOOOOO brown when we lived in hawaii. Paul lives on the east coast. SUN. Bah.
Sarah 20 years ago
I need to find that Bob Barker picture for here...

Hey Mae...Go Go Catherines...well my daughter is Kathryn, but still GO!
immy 20 years ago
You're yummy.
prego3 20 years ago
Thanks Immy Ive been told Im quite delicious...

And yes - Me & Roz have the same father and mother - lol.

The long hair pic is just a few months old... I had to cut it. I had an interview to join the FBI... Alas, Assimilation was not possible & I was deemed not ULTRA CONSERVATIVE enough... Sigh....
zaura 20 years ago
Wow, nice looking man! I see Mae did not get all the good looks in the family -- seems you two shared pretty evenly.
Rikr 20 years ago
POSTING FOR KAYTANA. Here's bob for ya.

Sarah 20 years ago
POSTING FOR KAYTANA. Here's bob for ya.

Aziyade 20 years ago
I am not surprised Roz's brother is a hotty.
Guest 20 years ago
AW ! how cute! look at it just sitting there all propped up with its lil outfit on!

The kids cute too!

POSTING FOR KAYTANA. Here's bob for ya.

And im stealing it from Kay and Rikr!!!!!

The fact that Bob Barker would say that to anyone scares me tho.

ACtually that image scares me.
prego3 20 years ago
All this love is killn me, no seriously its smothering - let me catch my breath first.
Tiime Panacea 20 years ago
*molests Prego and runs off*
prego3 20 years ago
Oh my… Ive just been fondled & violated! What friendly playmates my lil sis has…
Go monkey! Go monkey! Get your dance on!
Tiime Panacea 20 years ago
Aww, Mae! Can I take him home? Huh? Can I?
Andrina 20 years ago
prego3 20 years ago
WTH does sproing mean any way Andrina? Was i just slurred or complimented, pray tell...
Tiime Panacea 20 years ago
She's got wood.
Andrina 20 years ago
Tiime Panacea
She's got wood.

prego3 20 years ago
Now im getting way behind the power curve... What does "wood" mean & what does "sproing" mean! Stop this tortue & tell me
ROzbeans 20 years ago
Paul you're a geek. Give it some thought.