February 2008 - TAC Presents Exalted Crayon --> MILERON

Introducing Mileron – Man of a Thousand Faces
By Den

He’s one of the nicest guys you could ever meet, and a true friend who never has a bad word to say about anyone.

Mileron has been a part of TAC for over three years now, and while he professes to ‘rhyme for sex’, somehow I doubt he’d truly limit himself there. (*winks*) He often graces us with his poetry, and his poems can be deep, and thoughtful, or fluffy, and quirky. However, the words he writes are nothing if not heartfelt.

In addition to his poetry, he has kept many of us enthralled with his wonderful characters on Sanguine Affliction as well. He has an almost uncanny ability to feel and relate to women, so much so that he can make a person actually think he is writing as one sometimes. But we all know, he’s all guy…his talent for acting is just that good.

Whether he’s playing Mileron on EQ , Milcheax or, Briqitta on WOW, Rachyl, Dayle, or Montana on Sanguine, or any other of his numerous alter egos, he manages to put a very distinctive face on for us all to enjoy.

I know I appreciate having him around, and don’t thank him often enough for what he does for me.


Congratulations, Mileron, on this much deserved acknowledgement. We hope you will enjoy this portrait and sig. When we first decided you were next in line for the Exalted Crayon, we weren’t sure which character to choose from! We recruited Den’s assistance (thanks Den!) who managed to feel out just the right character to portray – your EQ Bard, Mileron.

Once we got the tip off from Den (who I can only assume was quite crafty in getting us not only the character, but a picture as well), it made perfect sense – Mileron is really the quintessential Bard. He brings us news and tales from far off lands, sprinkling everything with his own unique style of wordplay and punnery, regales us with clever rhymes, and keeps his wit sharp with use.

So, without further ado, let’s clap it up for Mileron!

Rikr 16 years ago
Right on Mil! Congratulations sir. Another well deserved recipient!
Den 16 years ago
Asha 16 years ago
Eve 16 years ago
Gratz Mileron!
ROzbeans 16 years ago
le Thanks for all your support and excellent writing, Mileron! Congrats!!!!!!
ROzbeans 16 years ago

Your deviant art editorial!

A new DA Icon you can use if you like =)
Lessa 16 years ago
Grats hun
Merreck 16 years ago
Congrats Mileron!
Temprah 16 years ago
Congratulations Mileron!!!
Sarah 16 years ago
Yay! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!
Mileron 16 years ago
My gratitude and surprise are equally matched by my humility by receiving this honor.

I'd actually read this on Sunday morning; the heady feeling with this combined with going on an undate made for a pretty floaty Sunday.

I wrote a poem of response (*gasp*) but left it at home and cannot access my computer at the moment...

But thank you. Very much. *knuckles eyes dry*

You guys're the ones that rock. I'm just small potatoes.

But thank you.
Calimaryn 16 years ago
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

SnowDragon 16 years ago
Congrats Mil.
Mileron 16 years ago
Nuff said. <- linky