Round 6 - OOC


SnowDragon 16 years ago
So from the Mafia hit that I just read can it be assumed that we are now down to only 1 mafia person?
CaptainBinky 16 years ago
Hmmm... that would be good
The kill does seem more in keeping with the SK kills - one on one rather than a load of captains turning up and ganging up on the victim... so possibly - but then you never know with this game!
nickenstien 16 years ago
Let's just hope it's a sign of us doing well!
CaptainBinky 16 years ago
Can I also take this opportunity to say that this --> is my favourite ever smiley from any forum, ever? It's so adorably cute
SnowDragon 16 years ago
Ok so my thought process and I can be very wrong here is that the title for the Mafia hit is a clue...East is East. Reading through the bios the only person I can see that even remotely matches that is BR. Am I wrong here?
CaptainBinky 16 years ago
I'm not terribly confident in reading much into the kill titles - some of the others have been quite misleading and/or references to the victims rather than killers.
Blackrabbit 16 years ago
Eh, frankly I thought from the title that I was today's victim. That said, I still find nothing really incriminating in this hit. I am on my way out the door but will be back to analyze a teeny bit before work later.

I dunno if I'm just off my game, but I am having a terrible time with the clues this time around.
SnowDragon 16 years ago
Ahhh very true forgot about that. And Darsa was from ??? The only thing I see is the Mediterranean Seas is what she sailed. Is that considered the East???
SnowDragon 16 years ago
I am with you BR. The clues are extremely umm elusive this time around. I see things that could be clues but then get confused. I don't see anything other then it looks like we are down to only 1 mafia person.
nickenstien 16 years ago
This might be wrong, but haven't there been mafia games in past with absolutely no clues? Maybe it's a cruel joke by the mods or something?
Hiejinx 16 years ago
For what it is worth -- I think the saying goes East is East and West is West and nary the twain shall meet. Unless you want the whole pun story that goes with it and ends: Yeast is yeast and nest is nest and nary the mane shall tweet
Not sure what that tells us. When I look at the titles for the Mafia hits they generally refer to the one being knocked off not the mafia folks doing the hit. i.e. Spanish eyes referring to Ortiz.

The SK hits seems to be lines of a song somewhat sea related and may indeed give clues.

That is just how I read it. However, back to the title of the hit. If Darsa was from everywhere and nowhere ???? then the title is most appropriate.

going back to read the rest for clues.
Verileah 16 years ago
It's possible they are being light on clues because we're figuring them all out! Maybe! Yeah!

That said, I think this kill might require some homework that I can't do right now :\. Like maybe finding out what that statue is all about. Also the significance of the water and grain. There was something else but I forget it now :\

Also, we might not be down to just one mafia. I know when I modded I would sometimes only have one or two of the mafia do the kill just to keep the townies guessing. Not trying to be a downer, but constant vigilance!
SnowDragon 16 years ago
/cry I was really hoping we were down to 1 Mafia.
Laha 16 years ago
Uhm...Can't the sherrif tell us who is mafia and who isn't?

Hiejinx 16 years ago
I'm hoping and praying it is down to 1 mafia.
On the statue, I could be all wet but I did find something about what used to be an abbey for St. Clara (now a hotel) that is in Cartagena. That would certainly fit the pirate theme with that town....and one might assume there was perhaps a statue at some point to the patron saint of the abbey? I wish we could find a picture of an actual statue -- maybe that would be the ultimate clue unraveler. You know some grain lol in her hand pointing at the black heart of the mafia or the SK shouldn't be too much to ask. BTW, is sugar cane considered a grain?
As an aside, there is a Santa Clara, Ca and a Santa Clara, Cuba too. Here is the bit I found -- I am not saying it is right because I have no idea.

The Santa Clara Hotel, was originally built as a convent by the Spanish from or just after October 1608. Maria Magdalena del Rosario renounced her inheritance of Santa Clara building and it was 6 years later that the engineer Cristobel de Roda recommended the interior design as it was to be the highest and best building of the city of Cartagena des Indias. A bell tower was erected and later when the mission was completed, the bells of Santa Clara would famously ring put over the city inviting prayers, warnings and celebration.

After plunder and looting throughout the centuries by various pirates, attempts by the British and Dutch to take over the city many of the buildings in the old town were left in ruins and much of Santa Clara including the central panels demolished by 1929.
Hiejinx 16 years ago
Yes if the sheriff is still alive although I believe they get back 'townie' for both the godfather and the SK. I believe that is how it works -- someone correct me if that is incorrect.
MashPotato 16 years ago
Yes if the sheriff is still alive although I believe they get back 'townie' for both the godfather and the SK. I believe that is how it works -- someone correct me if that is incorrect.

I believe that's right

Reading today's hit, my interpretation is that there's either one or three mafia left (if you take it that the turban catching fire and the spooked horse were preliminary attempts before a third person finished the job).
Hiejinx 16 years ago
LOL, maybe it isn't the patron saint Clare/Clara but maybe some other Clara? Here is a link to St. Clara though -- I am still laughing. She is the patron saint of television......
SnowDragon 16 years ago
Not like this will help but when I googled St. Clara ship[ a few things came up here is an island named St. Clara that has shoals.
There was also a schooner in the 1800's named the St. Clara that wrecked also. If you do a search on what I put you can find it. This has made my head hurt trying to figure this out. Maybe someone else can find something I overlooked between trying to work. hehe
Hiejinx 16 years ago
Ok, I give you this blurbage and I will shut up.
Again, for what it is worth:
• Cartagena, Columbia was known for gold and silver as well as sugar cane production
• Columbia is the only country in the world that grows sugar cane year round.
• The reference to the palm is perhaps because St. Clara patron saint, normally has a palm frond in her hand which makes me think this is the ‘right’ Clara.
• She also generally holds a ciborium which is a sort of chalice, either based on a Latin word meaning food or a Greek word meaning drink. Hey take your pick, we’re pirates
• Cartagena was a slave port known for the trade to have cane cutters
• Cane is typically cut with a machete
• An aside, the city is in 4 parts and the St. Clara portion is in the San Diego quandrant – LOL I just knew I would find someone in real life living in SD.
• St. Clara was a virgin
• Cartagena does indeed contain a statue to a shipwreck (however it appears to be a later wreck?)
• This bit about shipwrecks was just, well, interesting and much food for thought:

It is then quite probable that the statue, known to the people of the Marianas as Santa Marian Kamalen, was designated as the protector of the Spanish galleon, Nuestra Senora del Pilar. The tragic event of the shipwreck of this galleon prevented the salvage of most of her contents. However, one principal recovery from this wreckage, as accounted through oral tradition, was the statue of the Virgin Mary by a Chamorro fisherman from Malessu’ (Merizo).
St. Kamalen (Carmen) is the patron saint of sailors.

I know this is way more than we, a) wanted to know and b) way more than we should have to think but….