GI Joe: The Rise of the Cobra

Man - If this movie ends up sucking I am gonna be pissed off very very bad. Ive been waiting forever for a GI Joe movie to come out and if the Transformers franchise ends up owning GI Joe its gonna suck hardcore =x

Yeah, I was a huge fan of GI Joe =P

Dennis Quaid is playing General Hawk btw!

Anyone have low or high expectations for this movie? The preview of Snakeeyes and Stormshadow fighting was pretty cool I thought.

Here is the cast etc:

Eve 15 years ago
I saw a quick trailer on tv last night and texted hubby about it. He says instead of the Joes being "real American heroes" they are some international task force. He's not happy LoL
Kelefane 15 years ago
Well, starting off they actually were earlier on.

Maybe they build more into the story later on with part 2 etc....

Thats why I hope this doesnt flop.
ROzbeans 15 years ago

Not looking forward to this at all. It looks like crap:

- the baroness doesn't have an accent, not from what I could tell in the previews

- the actress playing Scarlet irritates me, i hate when they have the fake looking red hair.

- Dennis Quaid?

The only cool things are: the accelerating suits and snake eyes.
Vex 15 years ago
too picky, roz.

- things get blown up
- things get bloody
- things get blown up
- things get blown up

I predict a B+ or more.
Mizen 15 years ago
I bet it will be dope.
Kelefane 15 years ago
Ray Park playing Snakeeyes is win.
ROzbeans 15 years ago
Opens tonight. I plan on taking Catherine Monday evening because I feel like poking my eyes out with a spoon.
Vishanti 15 years ago
too picky, roz.

- things get blown up
- things get bloody
- things get blown up
- things get blown up

I predict a B+ or more.

Does this mean they'll have better aim than in the cartoon?

*pew pew*

"Oh, look! We got some! Wait... crap, never mind. We just shot some earth near those guys, so they stumbled. They're getting up and charging us again."
pharren 15 years ago
I saw a picture of Snake Eyes and noticed he has one of the I Ching hexagrams on his shoulder, so I looked it up. Gotta admit, I'm kinda confused as to the choice, but whatever. For your edification:

Hexagram 63 is named 既濟 (jì jì), "Already Fording". Other variations include "after completion" and "already completed" or "already done" . Its inner trigram is ☲ (離 lí) radiance = (火 fire, and its outer trigram is ☵ (坎 kǎn) gorge = (水 water.
Vulash 15 years ago
too picky, roz.

- things get blown up
- things get bloody
- things get blown up
- things get blown up

I predict a B+ or more.


I thought the accelerator suits looked like the cheesy parts to me, and the rest looked awesome. Baroness looks like a badass
ROzbeans 15 years ago
Sienna Miller does the Baroness, but from what I can tell, she doesn't have the awesome german accent like zie original Baroness!
Vishanti 15 years ago
I'm actually OK with that. I was never a fan of the character, and it might have something to do with her voice.
Keriath 15 years ago
I liked it. Pointless action movie ftw. If you are expecting some great plot don't see it.. if you want to watch a action movie its right up your ally.
Kelefane 15 years ago
Does it have any oldschool GI Joe plot at all? I mean, does it even feel like "GI Joe" ?
ROzbeans 15 years ago
LOL Oh shit, it wasn't that bad. I took Catherine to it tonight and it wasn't as painfully cornball like I thought it was going to be. The action scenes are ridiculously cool. That whole Paris fight/car chase was probably one of the coolest things I've seen.

COBRA doesn't come to light till the very ending and Destro doesn't become Destro till the very end. Duke and the Baroness apparently have a past together and she doesn't have her German accent.

The plot itself is about hyper nanobots that are insanely destructive to metal and of course are built into 4 warheads that everyone's trying to get. It's a no brainer summer movie with some boobs, about 5 curse words (all 'shit') and some funny homages to the old cartoon.

I liked it.
Adiene 15 years ago
it wasn't half bad. Some plot changes vs old school cartoons but that is how everything is so I kinda expect it so I don't get all bent out of shape lol The Paris chase was pretty good! hehe
Other then Channing still needing to work on his acting skills its wasn't to bad. Good flick to go to see if you want some cool action scenes.. and omfg wtf cobra mask =x
Kelefane 15 years ago
I heard Cobra Commanders original mask (which was a hood) looked to "Klanish" and they went a different route with it.

Thats fucking retarded. When I think Cobra Commander I think Hood or Viser (which is what he wore)
Vishanti 15 years ago
Adiene 15 years ago
exactly.. I mean it was shiney/reflective but hellafucking ugly like gross gag-worthy looking.. who knows maybe he will wear it in the 2nd.l they were still pretty much establishing who he was /shrug who knows hehe
Vulash 15 years ago
Don't say too much :P