Oh my gosh Adi!

hes adorable!


Lillyanna-Windmane 15 years ago
oh wow! How cute! *Dreams of the others they could make*
Adiene 15 years ago
hehe thanks! Was way out of our comfort zone. Hopefully the next will have gen textures and be even better. i was so spent with him i used up all my cool make up ideas so he was a bit lacking
Lessa 15 years ago
Could do a band of makeup across his eyes..(for the next one, if there is another) something similar to the girl Roz did recently?

Anyway, I love him, I have him sitting in my cart right now, could care less about gens, not doing nudes myself lol. Awesome work hun, hes hot.
Adiene 15 years ago
Yeah sure. If you come across anything you think would look good or something you would like to see just send me links
Lessa 15 years ago
Absolutely hun, Ill keep an eye out for inspiration
Guest 15 years ago
aww he is cute dam got no money i would buy him hehe