

ROzbeans 15 years ago

Sweet ride.
pharren 15 years ago
This is the same trailer I saw with the Comic Con footage in July, and I'm going to say the same thing I said then:

IT LOOKS LIKE JEFF BRIDGES IS A BAD GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still geeking out over this
Gongaa 15 years ago
Can't wait to see this!

Jeff Bridges gives me nightmares, but I still love him.
pharren 15 years ago
It could be Martha Stewart for all I care. I guess I should revise it to say:

IT LOOKS LIKE FLYNN IS A BAD GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: Who's the geek with the stupid hair and the big nose?
Lessa 15 years ago
It could be Martha Stewart for all I care. I guess I should revise it to say:

PS: Who's the geek with the stupid hair and the big nose?

Apparently hes the guy who played Aro in the Twilight sequels, as well as Lucian in Underworld 4 and some guy in the next Tinkerbell movie..
ROzbeans 15 years ago
That's not Michael Sheen in that picture with Olivia Wade and Jeff Bridges. Michael Sheen is way hotter. That dude is Garrett Hedlund.

I take it back, dude is kinda cute.
ROzbeans 15 years ago
Michael Sheen (as l'hot dude Lucian)

Lessa 15 years ago
oh ok, different geeky guy with a big nose and weird hair

hes in the movie too though
ROzbeans 14 years ago

I seriously have no idea what this movie is about. I really need to watch the first one =x
ROzbeans 14 years ago
That's Michael Sheen (Lucian from Underworld) doing that David Bowie singing.
Lessa 14 years ago

I seriously have no idea what this movie is about. I really need to watch the first one =x

Might check your Netflix, they have free downloads for alot of older movies.
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Tron, last I looked, had a very long wait O_O I swear though, Jeff Bridges is the shit right now. I watched an old movie with him and Glenn Close - god damn he was sexy. He's still so damn handsome, still.
pharren 14 years ago
I seriously have no idea what this movie is about.

The Abridged TRON

As Told By Pharren

Flynn is this dude who designed video games for Big Evil Software Corporation, but some other jackass took the credit and became CEO - cause that's how the world works; software programmers become CEOs all the time - so Flynn opened an arcade. Big Evil CEO has this program called The Master Control Program, alias MCP (no relation to the Akai MPC... we hope) which is subverting the company network by taking over the functions of all the other programs, and plans to take over the world. For real. Flynn's buddy's girlfriend still works for Big Evil Software Corp, on some super secret high tech laser shit that zaps an orange into cyberspace. For real. Flynn's buddy wrote a program called TRON which was designed to police the MCP. Flynn breaks in to Big Evil Software Corporation labs with the help of buddy and buddygirlfriend to find evidence of Big Evil CEO's betrayal, and the MPC zaps his dumbass self and sucks him up into the Big Evil Software Corporation network.

Once inside there's all this quasi-religious shit about The Users - real-world programmers - who are worshipped by the network's denizens - the programs, duh - which conveniently resemble their programmers. The MPC is conducting some sort of neo-inquisition where all programs must renounce their belief in The Users or perish in these totally awesome gladiator sports.

Flynn meets some programs and kicks some ass playing Jai Alai and then busts through a wall with his lightcycle and shit. Rad. Since he is actually one of The Users, he has super powers like Neo in The Matrix. He eventually finds the TRON program and teams up with him and buddygirlfriend's digital self, and they make their way to an I/O port where they communicate with buddy. TRON's frisbee (yes.) is imbued with a virus designed to destroy the MCP, and so Flynn, TRON, and buddygirlfriend make their way to the MCP, where they do battle with Big Evil CEO's digital representation, and insert the virus.

Flynn magically reappears in the real world and becomes CEO of Big Evil Software Corporation.

ROzbeans 14 years ago
pharren 14 years ago

By the way, this is the origin of the saying "In like Flynn"
pharren 14 years ago
Well then! I stand corrected! And you're just calling me young so you don't feel so ancient.
Mileron 14 years ago

You gotta watch it. The writeup doesn't give it justice.
pharren 14 years ago
What?! My abridged version was even better than the original!

Oh, wait, maybe not. I forgot to mention the Bits! AARRGGGGGGGHHH
Lessa 14 years ago

wiki has the unabridged version