
pharren 14 years ago
Myraan and Olivia both died?

wrongful death lawsuits

And they were both innocent?

GREAT TIMING ROZ posting this shit right when my lunch break ends )R (UJF UW*(#(*)(*#T OIWRI#(#)#%#()%) #(%#)(%

I'll be back in 2 hours or so to look deeper into this mess!
Ksagag 14 years ago
I just want to say HOLY CRAP! I'm speechless after that lynching. When my brain comes back to me, I'll re-read and look into it more. :P
Vulash 14 years ago
Why both? I'm confused. I count the vote as 7-5 (I swore it was 7-4 earlier, but I don't see any "last edited" at the minute - I'll look again to see if someone changed at the last minute). Either way - I'm not sure why 2 are dead unless there is another role we don't know about yet - I know one was mentioned.
Vulash 14 years ago
Bah - it ate my response.

I count the voting as 7-5 I'm confused why both died. I swear it was 7-4 earlier, but maybe someone changed at the last minute (or I just miscounted). If someone did a last minute edit I'd like to find out who I'll look for "edited at" when I can. Maybe there is a new role?
Vulash 14 years ago
Bah - it ate my response.

I count the voting as 7-5 I'm confused why both died. I swear it was 7-4 earlier, but maybe someone changed at the last minute (or I just miscounted). If someone did a last minute edit I'd like to find out who I'll look for "edited at" when I can. Maybe there is a new role?
Vulash 14 years ago
Apparently it didn't eat any of them - it just kept telling me it did and then didn't update fast - sorry for the repeats
Vulash 14 years ago
Myraan and Olivia both died?

And they were both innocent?

GREAT TIMING ROZ posting this shit right when my lunch break ends )R (UJF UW*(#(*)(*#T OIWRI#(#)#%#()%) #(%#)(%

I'll be back in 2 hours or so to look deeper into this mess!

I told everyone it wasn't Myraan after her defense of everyone voting for her was to point at someone else entirely instead of picking the other townie with the most heat. I'm inclined just to find out those that threw some clues out in the ooc - didn't bother discussing them later, and voted late to lynch the townies - hang em up and we're back in the game
MashPotato 14 years ago
"wrongful deaths"...
I'd like to interpret that as just Mr. Green's POV, but there are always more clues than I think.
Ksagag 14 years ago
I just went back through the votes and counted and I got 7 for Olivia and 5 for Myraan.

People who voted for Olivia
Pharren/Joel Thomas
SnowDragon/Nadiya Kostkov
Greywood/Spencer Fry
Kilandra/Myraan Avers
Lemmy101/Jeremy Clarkson
CaptiainBinky/Bernie Flump
Spirtis/Kal Mando

People who voted for Myraan
MashPotato/John Smith
Dia/Vivian Scout
Merreck/Ruth Shapiro
Eve/Olivia Parker
KaAnna/Jayden Donovan

I'm not sure if this helps, but I thought it could be important later?
CaptainBinky 14 years ago
By my counting, after my vote for Olivia the numbers were 5 to Olivia, 4 to Myraan.
Gongaar voted for Ernest Freeman, leaving Olivia in the lead
Then KaAnna voted for Myraan bringing it back to a tie.
Spirtis' vote for Olivia, which would have put her back in the lead, must have been after the deadline.

I am curious why KaAnna woul vote in a way that would result in two deaths, but I suppose if they didn't tot up the votes beforehand they wouldn't have known that...?

(please correct my maths if I've cocked up )
Vulash 14 years ago
Did you get the one that voted for "Eve" and didn't say Olivia?

And yes, that will be very helpful :P
CaptainBinky 14 years ago
Yeah, I think I included all the votes from both in and out of character names.

edit: Oh wait, you're probably referring to the post before mine that I've just seen
Vulash 14 years ago
I'm almost 100% certain it was 7-5 - I did a written tally.
Ksagag 14 years ago
Whoops no I didn't Vulash. I went back and edited the post. Thanks for pointing that out. I went through the topic like 5 times trying to make sure I didn't miss anything lol.

Just re-read the Lynch too. I don't see any clues except for the 'wrongful death lawsuits' which have already been mentioned and the fact that 2 men started fighting. I'm not sure if that's a big deal or not yet. :\
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Oh what the hell, when I counted I had them even stevens. I should have closed the thread then, but I swear I got both Eve and Kilandra.

Vulash 14 years ago
Sorry Roz I thought maybe you had inserted that new role (was it mad bomber?) and was trying to sniff out the surprise. I'm not sure it was ever even from about 3 hours before 9am pst up until 9am.
ROzbeans 14 years ago
I had 1 for Wystro.
6 for Eve.
6 for Kilandra.
1 for Ksagag.
1 for Snowdragon.
1 for Vulash.
1 for Vudu.

Definitely spreading out the vote. Sorry guys, can't take back deaths, but this why is people need to vote on time and check their emails!!!! =( It's my fault.
Gongaa 14 years ago
Format is Character (Forum Name) - # votes - {voting parties}

Voting parties are listed in the order votes were cast. In case of ties, characters are listed in the order the first vote against them was cast. (In other words, I'm just scanning the thread and listing shit as I see it! )

Olivia (Eve) *R.I.P.* - 7 - {SnowDragon, Greywood, Kilandra, lemmy101, pharren, CaptainBinky, Spirtis}
Myrann (Kilandra) - 5 - {MashPotato, Dia, Merreck, Eve, KaAnna}
Nadiya (SnowDragon) - 3 - {Ksagag, Vulash, ShutUpSara}
Nichole (Ksagag) - 2 - {Vudu, Wystro}
Reginald (Vulash) - 1 - {Keriath}
Kris (Vudu) - 1 - {Verileah}
Ernest (Wystro) - 1 - {Gongaa}

Edited Olivia's vote count. Pharren's edit at the bottom threw me off.
Vulash 14 years ago
I've got to work so I can't do anything else for a couple of hours, but I'm pretty certain it should be 7-5 and everything is time stamped - the last few votes weren't for either.
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Alright, it was my mistake. The Lynch has been rewritten to just have Olivia's death.