George Bush care about black people

Saw this over on another message board. Got a chuckle out of it.

ROzbeans 19 years ago
Yeah he was pissed, I saw this on CNN this morning.
Jinheim 19 years ago
hahahahahahaha the white dude's face
Rikr 19 years ago
the white dude = Austin Powers?
ROzbeans 19 years ago
Michael Meyers, yeah.
Guest 19 years ago
wtf? I didn't even understand half of that.
Just Erin 19 years ago
It's clear that Michael Meyers was reading a script or reciting something he had memorized ahead of time. Who is that other dude? Someone said he was a comedian, but I've never seen him before. He talks like an 8 year old, all broken up and confusing.
immy 19 years ago
It's Kayne West, a rap artist.
Here is what he said:

"I hate the way they portray us in the media.

"If you see a black family it says they are looting if you see a white family it says they are looking for food.

"And you know that it’s been 5 days because most of the people are black and even for me to complain … I would be a hypocrite because I would turn away from the TV because it’s too hard to watch. I’ve even been shopping before giving a donation and so right now I’m calling my business manager what is the biggest amount I can give.

"And just to imagine if I was down there, those are my people down there. So anybody out there who wants to help with the set up, the way that America is set up to help … The poor, the black people, the less well off as slow as possible. I mean, Red Cross is doing everything they can.

"We already realize a lot of the people that could help are at war now fighting another way and they’ve given them permission to go down and shoot us."

Followed by:

NBC Statement: Kanye West's Hurricane Telethon Appearance
"Tonight's telecast was a live television event wrought with emotion. Kanye West departed from the scripted comments that were prepared for him, and his opinions in no way represent the views of the networks. It would be most unfortunate if the efforts of the artists who participated tonight and the generosity of millions of Americans who are helping those in need are overshadowed by one person's opinion."



National Headquarters
2025 E Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006

Contact: American Red Cross
Title: Disaster Public Affairs

WASHINGTON, Friday, September 02, 2005 — The American Red Cross is incredibly grateful for the support we’re receiving in the wake of the catastrophic events caused by Hurricane Katrina. We want to acknowledge the ongoing support of NBC-Universal, which aired a telethon tonight on behalf of the victims of this tragedy.

During the telecast, a controversial comment was made by one of the celebrities. We would like the American public to know that our support is unwavering, regardless of political circumstances. We are a neutral and impartial organization, and support disaster victims across the country regardless of race, class, color or creed. We cannot, and we do not endorse any comments of a political nature.
Draegloth 19 years ago
I don't care about white people, so I think it's fair.
Temprah 19 years ago
People are suprised the white republican party doesn't care about poor people..?? And as for poor black people, well.. woooo.. that's prety darn low priority to them, yup. What's the shock, it's nothing new. Bush sux.. and remember Andrew back in 1992. Like father, like son.
Guest 19 years ago
People are suprised the white republican party doesn't care about poor people..??


Draegloth 19 years ago
and it's your contention that, say, democrats care about poor people?

no one cares about poor people because poor people can't make anyone rich. fuck poor people.

there's no excuse for poverty in this country. opportunities abound, yet people are more interested in hand outs and feeling sorry for themselves than siezing them. oh, and who's responsible for all the hand outs? republicans? no.
Guest 19 years ago
and it's your contention that, say, democrats care about poor people?

Didn't say that.
Cobert 19 years ago
Nice way to catch everyone off gaurd. Another side effect of this is that I now know who this guy is, yay for publicity stunts!

I'm still not going to donate though.
Nastirith 19 years ago
and it's your contention that, say, democrats care about poor people?

no one cares about poor people because poor people can't make anyone rich. fuck poor people.

there's no excuse for poverty in this country. opportunities abound, yet people are more interested in hand outs and feeling sorry for themselves than siezing them. oh, and who's responsible for all the hand outs? republicans? no.

/rant on

As can be seen in many facets of life, most people just don't care about other people in general. Most of the time, it doesn't have to do with being poor or rich at all. Of course there are situations where money gets you more than someone else...but if a rich person is being beat and raped in an alley, most people are going to walk on by, just like if that person were poor. People don't want their silly little illusions shattered by the reality of the people just tend to not give a shit. But of course, everyone wears their masks of caring..."Oh, 9/11 was so horrible! Everyone should just get along! So let's go kill us some Middle Easterners!! WOO HOO!" And how long after 9/11 until people were back to being rude asses to one another again?

*shrugs* Mankind's apathy sucks, be it from the rich, the poor, whites, blacks, whoever. If people really wanted to care and make a difference, the world would be a better place. But people only go as far as they feel comfortable...just far enough to not risk themselves. Of course, there have been people in history who DO stand up, make a difference...and of course, more often than not, those people are shot down by the very same people they are trying to help.

To me, it isn't what you's what you do. I can stand here all day and tell you I'd do anything to make the world a better place...but until I do it, I'm just blowin' smoke...and that's what people tend to do.

/rant off
Gilae 19 years ago
It's a shame that people have to use a disaster like this as a forum to speak their personal political agendas. And it's a further shame that every time somebody has to speak out on behalf of the black community it is some fucking moron giving further credence to the haters. God damn ignorant fuck. He's enough to make me join the klan.
Guest 19 years ago
Your ass would fill out the robe real nice.
Crikett 19 years ago
Your ass would fill out the robe real nice.

WTB pics of Gilly's ass in a robe....
Saraquael 19 years ago
It's a shame that people have to use a disaster like this as a forum to speak their personal political agendas. And it's a further shame that every time somebody has to speak out on behalf of the black community it is some fucking moron giving further credence to the haters. God damn ignorant fuck. He's enough to make me join the klan.

I dunno, I personally don't have a problem with him speaking his mind. He certainly wasn't the best at the unscripted speeches but I'd say his lack of articulation comes largely from him being shaken and upset. I mean, when bush gave his speeches on 9/11 he was shaken and not too well spoken either.

In all honesty, I've found myself much more irritated at the bush speeches lately. There seems to be a strng lack of sincerity present and he seems to be speaking down to the audience a lot.

Now, saying "george bush doesn't care about black people" seems a bit... specific. I'd probably say something more along the lines of "george bush doesn't care"

It's quite a tragedy, and while I think it's great that the country is coming to help all the people who have suffered so far, I'm almost certain it'll be short-lived. Just like 9/11 the country was united for a while in the face of a tragic event but a few months later petty differences had us fragmented and at each other's throats. I'd say it's only a matter of time before it happens again.
Sarah 19 years ago
Bush may not care, and yeah both the state and federal government screwed up, but Austin has stepped up. Now granted I live here and so I'm a little biased, and I don't know what the situations in Huston, San Antonio, or Dallas are, but a friend wanted to go drop off clothes today and the Red Cross or Salvation Army, won't take them, because they just have too much. They are having to schedule volunteers up to three weeks out, because so many people have stepped up and said, "I want to help."

There are hundreds of families taking refugees from the convention center into their homes to help them get integrated into the city and their kids in school. There are construction companies, law firms and banks hiring by the hundreds, to give these displaced people a new start.

However, The Red Cross and Salvation Army are still taking donations, of cash, canned goods that do not require a can opener, and diapers...lots and lots of diapers. I am proud of my city and how the people here have stepped up to the plate to help our fellow Americans.

That being said...Bush has two and a half years in office to recitfy himself and not go down in history as the worst president...ever.
Gilae 19 years ago
Don't get me wrong Saraquael...I think Bush is a giant douche and possibly the worst speech deliverer of all time. His speech writers undoubtedly cry everytime he goes to read one. I just dislike ignorant people in general and wish that if someone was going to make a political statement such as "Bush doesn't care about black people" that he/she would either let someone who is well spoken speak on behalf of the 'community', or else do it in such a way that it didn't interfere with those who ARE attempting to help same black people. Every time some black guy decides they are going to be the next Dr. Reverend MLK they end up sounding like jackasses because they are ignorant and don't know how to speak properly and they hurt rather than help the cause. It was just not the time or place to start shouting racism. It seemed to me, and I consider myself fairly unbiased where it comes to matters of race, that if we keep dropping the 'race card' every time we have an opportunity, the 'race card' will have less and less meaning and when it is actually time to lay our cards on the table, everyone knows our hand already and we've lost all credibility.