Day Three /ooc chat

Lincoln died of a splitting headache....DISCUSS

vwinsect 17 years ago
Many good things in the posts, fighting bad now for me.. but the wee is a definiting pointing to scots sorry old chaps, I do have a soft spot for things scottish but since neigher wearing kilt, have to say not interested at moment. lol

ok going back to bed with medication for headache and quit torturing yu with typing problems withfingers on keys and leters that don't work at moment.
Tor 17 years ago
Feel better!
Vulash 17 years ago
Never seen a clue so blatant turn out correct - just like the "pain medication" title and the nurse - it's just too obvious.

I feel like I'm watchign family feud lol

Or mud wrestling

Nickenstein vs Lammy

Tor vs Shay

Vulash vs an Iguana
Tor 17 years ago
Get that iguana! THAT DIRTY LEEZARD!
Den 17 years ago
More about Kassidy…

Going back to hit one:

Poem mentions ‘beast’ - her bio mentions Hell
Song mentions ‘baby - at 15 she’s the youngest of the group

When Vern sees the killer, he speaks to it as if it could be a young one…a bit condescendingly, and implying they may not realize how important sleep is. I’m sure he felt foolish too, being afraid of a young girl. Kassidy had just buried her parents, so the ‘sickly sweet stench of death’ would have still clung to her.

“Choose someone that hits home” - another baseball reference to go along with all the baseball equipment she carries.
Vulash 17 years ago
Ok this isn't working

We're all split up and disfunctional and it seems many people are fixating on little personal vendettas - if we keep this up the mafia wins hands down. I feel like hell so I'm not really feeling like digging through bios nonstop, but we need to start consolidating clues and we need ot search for lcues against ALL the bios not just the ones we are hoping are guilty :P
Vulash 17 years ago
And to be quite frank Shay it's making me very suspicious that you are only fixating on Tor - I can understand pointing out the clues at him, but it seems you are doing so at the exclusion of even looking for any others - which to me feels an awful lot like a setup, and not so much like genuine searching for the killer
Slipnish 17 years ago
Oho! So now I am implicated because I am used to the high life? Pish and piffle! There is no empty bravado in pretending to be someone else. Empty bravado is simply pretending to be brave... But, enough about the innocent, let's look at the guilty!

First Mafia Hit:


1. heart attack Obvious medical clue!
2. unnerved and shivery in spite of the July heat Like a fever? You bet!
3. His mouth went foul-tasting and dryDry mouth? A common side effect to lots of medication!
4. the sickly sweet stench of death in the air, and he shivered again. Angels of Mercy = Angels of Death. Another Gimme! clue!
5. fearful paralysisParalysis? Where else do you see that but in the medical field?
6. A little room, please... Like an examining room???
7. It was then that she felt the pinch and slide of a needle, an unmistakable sensation for someone who had given so many to others and received more than a few herself. Nurse on Nurse abuse! It may be hot to contemplate, under other circumstances, but here it's just MURDER!
8. the signs that their drug was taking effect.drug effect? Could you BE any more obvious?
9. the injection?” Obvious again.
10. The figure snorted in amusement and tossed down the used syringe... Syringes now. Who would a thunk it?

I nominate Lanna as the first Mafioso...

As for the second, I don't see much.

And as for today, I find myself agreeing with Carly. There does seem to be quite a few links to the little Cookie "Monster" and I think it bears further investigation...
Tor 17 years ago
You're just bitter I'm not ripe yet.
Slipnish 17 years ago
LOL! Could be, could be. But hey, with people dropping like flies, do you really want to wait much longer? Is it really all that exciting to die a virgin? *wink, wink*

Besides, jou coul' do worse than Estaban for a firs' time. After all, I am a great lover of womens...
Tor 17 years ago
Even leetle wimmins?
Den 17 years ago
And to be quite frank Shay it's making me very suspicious that you are only fixating on Tor - I can understand pointing out the clues at him, but it seems you are doing so at the exclusion of even looking for any others - which to me feels an awful lot like a setup, and not so much like genuine searching for the killer

LOL -- You're suspicious?? Imagine that. I have to agree with you there, as I'm leery of everyone as well.

But honestly, yes, I did just dump a bucket load on Kassidy...but not on Tor...Tor isn't playing :P He knows why, and it's nothing personal His charrie just happened to be the first one I got into tonight.

Besides which, I'm now looking at your Dr. Parnell, so don't feel slighted. Hopefully I'll get on a roll there too, and can divert suspicion from Kassidy. lol

As for all of us going in different directions, I see it more as all of us pointing out the things that stick out to us. Hopefully before the actual voting takes place, we can see where the clues point to one or two people.

I'm sorry you don't feel good Vulash...hope you feel better in the morning.
Jetamio 17 years ago

Dude! What is this thing you have for size? The last person to get hit was a giant next to Carly, and was killed with an ax...if anything she's too small to pull that off.

Doesnt say what size axe it was though? I mean, I'd assume in this day and age they would use chain saws to bring the trees down, but smaller hand axes to tidy them up a bit, take the smaller branches off and stuff.

But, saying that, his head was severed... a small axe wouldn't have the erm...leverage, enough of a swing to sever head like that, you'd need a longer handled one to get enough of a swing. And then they leave it in the body... as a warning? A trophy shot?
Vulash 17 years ago
Fair enough - hey I even pointed out a clue at myself :P
Slipnish 17 years ago
Even leetle wimmins?

Perhaps jou did no' hear me. Estaban is a GREAT lover of wimmins, as you say. He knows how to go slow, how to take his time, how to tell you that beyond all things his need for your touch burns in him like a thousand, thousand suns. And that beyond anythin' here, the death, the flu, the insanity of our fellow man, we all need the reassurance of another's touch. We crave the undeniable sensation of safety and security that only a warm embrace and louver's touch can bring...

He can see the desire that lurks behind the green eyes of the young goddess before him, and wishes only to fan the flames into the burning sculpture of womanhood that so few ever achieve.

Estaban knows, child. Estaban knows.
Tor 17 years ago
That's all very lovely Mr. Man, but you're too big by half.

You'll never get the gem from my cookie!
Temprah 17 years ago
how about y'all wait for the SK hit to be posted tonight, and focus on tyhe mafia clues? I'm not sold on cookie as the SK, but there are some valid points. I think JET needs more scrutniy as mafia.. i'll gather my facts again and post soon.
Slipnish 17 years ago
That's all very lovely Mr. Man, but you're too big by half.

You'll never get the gem from my cookie!

One does not need the "gem" from the cookie to relish in the taste of the batter. Besides, Estaban is no "cookie snatcher" despite what you may theenk. You will never find his footprint on the outside of your door...
Slipnish 17 years ago
how about y'all wait for the SK hit to be posted tonight, and focus on tyhe mafia clues? I'm not sold on cookie as the SK, but there are some valid points. I think JET needs more scrutniy as mafia.. i'll gather my facts again and post soon.

Do not be so jealous, my pet. I remember you singing a different tune in the Cafe outside of California...

Ah, Estaban remembers, and despite the ever-present danger, he feels only as a man when in your presence...
Jetamio 17 years ago
I think JET needs more scrutniy as mafia..

Cos I know how to swing an axe?