Me and my family

This is me (last summer):

This is my daughter (last summer):

And my hubby and our daughters (Christmas '04)

ROzbeans 20 years ago
Zindi is that you when we you went on that trip china? And I remember those pics of your daughter, so cute!!!
Droggen 20 years ago
Im very sorry to pry ZIn. But i thought Marrying a US citizen and all that goes with thatis like 99% guarantee on citizenship?
ROzbeans 20 years ago
No, means you can come in on a green card. Still not a citizen. My mother's been in the US since 74 and she's still not one.
Droggen 20 years ago
Ohhh okay now i understand /cower
Zindicatt 20 years ago
Yup, those are from my China trip!

I've been on green card for 10 years I was qualified for 8 years for citizenship. I guess I was just not in a hurry.
Gilae 20 years ago
Even then, being married to a US Citizen isn't a guarantee that you'll get a green card...or for sure it doesn't mean you'll get to move to the US right away. Here in Chicago, it takes 3 years to go through the green card process...and if my husband hadn't been Canadian (therefore relatively free to cross the border as a visitor) he would've had to stay away for the three years while it was being processed.

It's an ugly ugly system. Anyone who says it is easy to immigrate into this country has never done the paperwork involved. Becoming a citizen is an extra step...and for a Canadian an unnecessary one
ROzbeans 20 years ago
My mother told me about the nightmare of coming over from the Phillipines. My brother and I were fortunate that my father was an american sailor. She's had her paperwork ready to fill out and be processed but she's afraid of taking the test. =(
Tiime Panacea 20 years ago
Aww, Zindi! You and your family are beautiful! *pinches everyone's cheeks*
Guest 20 years ago
OMG that pic of your lil girl is sooooo cute! She is absolutly beautiful.

You are very pretty too, wow.
Nards 20 years ago
Zind, what part of the country do you live in? Your husband looks familiar to me.
Zindicatt 20 years ago
Thank you guys for the compliments we live in the San Francisco Bay Area but my hubby is a Conneticutt boy =)
Rikr 20 years ago
Ahh the Bay area...I used to live right outside the Bay area....right next to Walnut Creek, a place called Pleasent Hill. North of you I believe it is. Miss California a lot.
Zindicatt 20 years ago
California is the best We have a cool governator! ;0)