Why was Solusek Ro way more fun than Bristlebane?

It just seemed like the whole time I played EQ on the BB server after the merger that the majority of the people who played on that server were a bunch of fucking babies. They don't like it when you tell them when something is fucked up and always try to avoid any disagreements or differences of opinions, even though discussions of such often bring about closure and help matters most of the time.

On Solusek Ro, conflict drove the competition and made the game have an edge to it. I mean, it kind of had a PVP edge to it because not only were you having fun with your guild doin the shit that you did, but to beat another guild to a mob or event, or to train some asshole that you never liked just made the game that much more fun. As soon as the server merge happened, I lost that feeling except when I hung out with strictly Sol Ro people.

Was that just my feelings or did any of you feel similar?

ROzbeans 17 years ago
That was the first thing I heard after the merger - BB people were babies, granted I didn't play after the merger. It wasn't as if SolRo had hard grinding guilds either - what, BoR never placed first in anything. Triad did Time a good year after it was opened. What was Maso's sig saying 'Killing yesterday's content, today'?

I think it was the NAG boards that started the trend of hate posts, some real classics happened there, but for me at least, SolroRage really facilitated the griefing competition that I know the lot of us in Triad and later AoT really enjoyed. Shit we didn't even have to take down the mob, just getting there in front of other guilds like DB is what made us all giggly. The whole 'Hate' thrill ride probably wasn't the smartest or healthiest idea, it wasn't even original, but god dang it - it was fun. For every 1 person who complained that SolroRage was immature, we had 20 that rushed to see the flames.
Beli 17 years ago
Yeah, Sol Ro was notorious for their flames. I think people just enjoyed the drama because even if they weren't from that server, it was good reading material from work!
Mizen 17 years ago
I will always wonder what a guild comprised of the best players of Sol Ro would have been like. AoT was close, but by the time we created that guild, most of the best players of our server had quit.
Kelefane 17 years ago
I love Solro and I will cherish my Solro days over my current BB days. My times in Triadica (AoT especially) were the best days of my EQ life to date.

One thing Bristlebane has that Solro DIDNT have was longevity as far as guilds go. On Solro, guilds fell apart -- Guildleaders would disband and jump ship and stall that guilds progression down to a halt or they'd have to take several steps back in progression. Solro was more cutthroat that way and it was almost like "whos deguilding today?" sorta thing. When the servers merged -- Bristlebane's american guilds were so far ahead of Solro's that it wasnt even funny.....You had Ring of Valor, Club Fu, Circle of Legends and Veeshan's Fury all in Inktukta + (Some in txevu and tacvi also) When Solro had one guild (if that?) in Qvic and that was Darkblood. Im talking about American side raiding guilds. Solro as a server was far behind the 8ball in progression...We were in the stone age (PoTime/Ikkinz) when other servers had guilds already in Anguish.

We were small time when it came to progression in other words. In the end, Solro was way too cutthroat to have any guild stay afloat long enough before they got too far into progression.....Just when you thought a guild was doing well? The guildleader would deguild or you would have some sorta mass exodus thing going on.

Solro guilds just didnt have any staying power due to the sheer hatred going around and the cutthroat tactics used.

While all that hate and the rivalries on Solro was fun -- It wasnt healthy as far as guilds went and it ended up becoming Solro's demise in the end (ie BB sucked in Solro guilds instead of Solro sucking in BB guilds)
Shinra 17 years ago
Not sure really but I think the server merge happened well after most people had already quit? Not to belittle the people that did keep playing as it was a fun game. But I just thought a very large majority of people quit around the same time or within a year of each other at most. That could be why the same feeling didnt transfer over to BB, since the people that created those feelings were gone. I could be wrong since im pretty much just basing this off of the solrorage community and of my friends that I kept in touch with. You said darkblood was the only US guild progressed when the merge happened? Things sure did change then!
Lunna 17 years ago
BB had it's fair share of competition back in the day. PoP was a hotbed of racing for boss mobs and posturing who could kill said mob faster, better... blah blah blah.

BB is the only server I played on. I started a couple of months after the game released. I was a main tank and class leader for awhile in Circle of Legends. I joined toward the end of Luclin and beginning of PoP and finally retired with the expansion that upped the max lvl to 70.

I dunno about BBrs being babies. We had a drama board too. Dunno if it's still around or not. It was called BBSMUT. One of the questions in the get to know you thread was "have you ever e-hated?" O yeah. I have e-hated. The skank who started that board is the 1st person I ever E-hated. Do I still hate her? Na prbly not. But I probably would if I had to deal with her on a daily basis. But, back to the flames and drama. That board was a flame a day. It was unreal. There was another board before it that was pretty dramatic too. The Bristlebane Inn, I think it was called. Sylvene (you might know her from SMMO) started that one I think.

But back to the Sro and BB merger. I only have observations from a retired member of CoL. I fully admit I wasn't playing at the time altho my account was still active. My observations are from reading the guild forums. When I was in CoL it was solid as a rock... mentally. The moral was good, we progressed. We didn't have to love each other and make kissy faces and hug everyone on the raid BUT we were required to work as a team. Just get the job done. The CoL of today is but of whineyass little bitches who are more interested in starting drama amungst themselves than actually getting anything done. It's really boggling. Its gotten so bad that they closed the rants forum completely.

Just some observations from a dusty old BBr.
Lessa 17 years ago
I think I left Bb just a couple of months before the merge. I had been in Avenging Souls, raiding with a guild/channel called Truth and Redemption ( <3 Zeniden). I remember racing to targets.. back in the days where nothing was instanced except LDoN.. and noone raided those.. lol, If you didnt get there first there was a good chance one of the other competing guilds would beat you to your target.

I dont remember alot of drama.. other than competition.. but now im on FV where there are only a handful of guilds and next to no competition except for recruiting. Most drama here is based on whos RPing with whom and RP related drama.. and really you dont see much of that in raiding guilds.

I liked BB, I just got burnt with raiding too much at the time ( 5-6 days a week) , and when eq2 came out my guild's officers all moved to that game, so I went to try something else for a few weeks.. didnt ever feel the urge to go back lol.

I suspect that alot of the competition you missed wasnt really completely due to the merger, but more to the fact that alot of content since then has been instanced. LDoN, GoD, Anguish, DoN, DoD, all of those are instanced raid targets.. or most..and alot of the newer expansions too, though theyre trying to so a little both now. But when your targets and groupable zones are instanced.. whats there to rush for? Wheres the race to get there before someone else? your target will be there so long as you arent locked out.
Kelefane 17 years ago
Not sure really but I think the server merge happened well after most people had already quit? Not to belittle the people that did keep playing as it was a fun game. But I just thought a very large majority of people quit around the same time or within a year of each other at most. That could be why the same feeling didnt transfer over to BB, since the people that created those feelings were gone. I could be wrong since im pretty much just basing this off of the solrorage community and of my friends that I kept in touch with. You said darkblood was the only US guild progressed when the merge happened? Things sure did change then!

The guild that im currently in has alot of old Triadica in it from the Mylec lead era.

I see more ex-Triadica (Age of Tyranny) around still then ex-Empy/Darkblood.
Eve 17 years ago
Thanks Lunna! I couldn't remember BBSmut for nothin lol. We used to have all kinda drama, but damn if I can remember who ran that board anymore now. Most raiding I ever did was following Lunna around the HoT raids lol. I was always small family guild girl, who just happened to have friends in most of the big guilds. I got to -hear- about all the drama, but rarely be part of it
Mizen 17 years ago
I thought about making a character on the progression server, but the thought of killing thousands of orc pawns to level made me want to kill myself.

Is Warhammer gonna be good? I am gonna need a game to keep me busy this fall.
Lunna 17 years ago
Eve her name was Bramysomethingorother/Lewellyn (sp?). My buddy Lunasombra was an admin/mod over there tho.

Lessa 17 years ago
hehe youd prolly like FV server, theres Fire and Fury if you want to raid, and theres no No Drop, so you could twink yourself with SSRA gear ( no rec/req level on alot of it) and get caught up quickly if you didnt feel like leveling up the hard way lol.
Keriath 17 years ago

Is Warhammer gonna be good? I am gonna need a game to keep me busy this fall.

I am so looking forward to this game.
Krassus 17 years ago
Sol Ro had pretty good longetivity, BoR and Triadica fell but we were up for 5 years straight and both were born from other smaller guilds. BB sucked for me too

I'm having fun in VG, i actually feel like old eq just improved =)
pharren 17 years ago
i really liked CoL when i joined after the merger. it was very refreshing to be guilded with nice people for a change +_+

the competition and all was fun on sol ro, but the immature behavior is just something i prefer not to deal with. incidents like when empyreal (insert anything here) really killed that whole scene for me.
Kelefane 17 years ago
i really liked CoL when i joined after the merger. it was very refreshing to be guilded with nice people for a change +_+

the competition and all was fun on sol ro, but the immature behavior is just something i prefer not to deal with. incidents like when empyreal (insert anything here) really killed that whole scene for me.

Yeah, it felt the same for me also. When I first joined Ring of Valor and seen them just walk through Uqua like it wasnt shit I was awed by it. It was very refreshing for me personally as well. I was close to quitting Everquest before the merge happened -- However, the merge revived the game for me tenfold and made Everquest fun again.
Mizen 17 years ago
Kele what game you gonna play when you give up the crack?
Tor 17 years ago
I played for a very short time after the merger - by that time so many of the old personalities were gone it was like starting over. Half of the high end people were suddenly folks you didn't know, and they, for the most part, had their cliques firmly established and a feeling of superiority due to home server name advantage or something. Since everyone was essentially starting over socially, a lot of the DBers jumped games and went elsewhere. Some stayed on longer than I did, but the scene had changed a lot when I logged in to check on them all a few months later.

Things change, and for me it was an excellent time to move to a new game. A lot of the content wasn't as interesting, and a lot of the spirited folk that made Sol Ro crazy and fun had moved on. That's my two copper.
Kelefane 17 years ago
Kele what game you gonna play when you give up the crack?

No idea

You need to come back though! We need rogues
Mylec 17 years ago
Kele will play EQ until they pull the plug on the servers.


EQ will pull the plug on the servers when Kele quits.

They will go hand in hand together, as it should be.