Star Trek 2008 Christmas Release
J.J. Abrams
Alex Kurtzman (screenplay)
Roberto Orci (screenplay)
Release Date:
25 December 2008 (USA) more
Action / Drama / Sci-Fi more
Plot Synopsis:
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Plot Keywords:
Warp Speed / Time Travel / Teleportation / Star Trek / Engineer more
Production Notes/Status:
Begins filming this fall for a Christmas '08 release.
Status Updated:
6 August 2007
Because this project is categorized as being in production, the data is subject to change; some data could be removed completely.
(Credited cast)
Zachary Quinto ... Spock
Anton Yelchin ... Pavel Checkov (in negotiations)
Leonard Nimoy ... Spock


It's supposed to be what happens before the initial 5-year voyage. What got them all together.
Anyway, I wish they would just stop with the Star Trek for a few years. I really do love the franchise and all, but they really should take a look at the reason Enterprise got cancelled: poor writing, bad advertisement, oh yeah and saturation.
And Nemesis sucked.
1987 to 2005 is a sweet run for just about any genre. Unfortunately, Star Trek was overdone and super-recycled. Even I'll admit that.

Wynona Ryder as Spock's mom I don't care about.
The fact that she's Vulcan is the problem.
Spock is fucking half human!
Wynona Ryder as Spock's mom I don't care about.
The fact that she's Vulcan is the problem.
Spock is fucking half human!
Where does it say she's Vulcan in that article? Says she's playing the role Jane Wyman played and if there was ever a human white woman...

look at the pic of her - she has the ears and the eyebrows.
What picture, the one featured in the article? That's a normal head shot of her. It's a good recent one of her actually but where do you even see her ears, they're covered by her hair?

Paramount Pictures and director JJ Abrams have set Ryder to play the Vulcan mother of a young Spock (Zachary Quinto).
That's from Variety's site. Idiots.

I'm sure that's an error - there's no way they'd fuck up such a well known, established storyline.
Yea that might upset the order of the universe of cause an all out Nerd riot in the streets. It'll be ANARCHY!
"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together - mass hysteria" -Dr. Peter Venkman

Possible spoilers there.
Jennifer Morrison (Cameron from House) has been pegged for Carol Marcus, and some Aussie has been chosen to play George Kirk (Jim's Dad.)