Does the duckface actually 'work'?

You know that look you see on facebook - eyes on the camera, head to one side, lips doing something that resembles a duck's bill? Personally I saw that face and thought of it as a female bonding thing or irony or something. I don't know any guys who claim 'that's hot' when they see a photo of a girl making that face.

But! The data begs to differ:

Other things that actually work (from the article):
Those photos of men where their head is cut off, but they're lifting up their shirt (or just removing it) to reveal a wall of abs. I mean, I personally always thought guys who did that were enormous douchebags, but I can't say I'm surprised that certain guys would get more messages for showing some skin.

Cleavage in women over 30 - I mean, yeah, boobies are always good, but I thought this note was particularly empowering . OMG BILLIE SO UNFAIR, women can show skin and it's empowering and men show skin and they're douchebags! I think the nature of cleavage is very different than the nature of the ab shot - in the case of the first, the skin is a natural side effect of the photo and what the girl is wearing. Showing a little cleavage is mysterious, more an implication than a skin show. Cleavage is usually part of a larger context - most women would not be so blatant as to cut off their heads in the photo. The abs shot is more 'look at me, I work out, and I have these magnificent abs to offer'. Douchebag. Now I'm speaking of cleavage shots, not full on boob shots - that's a little different for me. I think that's what it comes down to - do you have something to offer other than your body? -And- you're willing to show a bit of intriguing skin, pique curiosities? Well you go girl. Empowering *nods*.

The myspace shot - I was shocked to read how successful this shot is. It's an optical illusion! You know the one where the camera is at a downward angle, you're looking up, duckfacing it up and getting a shot that goes straight down your shirt? That shot! Very successful for getting attention!

The faceless photo - a little mystery is a compelling thing! I think this takes a talented photographer and/or a creative personality to really pull off though.

Anyway, the article is interesting and I thought I would share my thoughts.

Edit: I forgot to mention a classic blunder that can't -possibly- work - can it? You know that shot where the guy (I've seen this done with girls, but I think it's irony...) crosses his arms over his chest, then tucks his hands under his biceps and pushes everything out, making it look like he has big muscles?

What do you think, does this work?

pharren 14 years ago


Starring: Pharren Money as Pharren Money


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Mileron 14 years ago

What do you think, does this work?

No. It doesn't.
Gongaa 14 years ago


Starring: Pharren Money as Pharren Money


This post has not yet been rated.

In a world where posting had been forgotten, one man has the courage to stand up and post for what he believes in.

See the post everyone is talking about. Roger Ebert gave it 4 stars, claiming "Pharren Money really poured everything he had into this one. Layer upon layer of posting mastery unfolds like an intricate origami orchid made from the tanned hides of baby seals."
Vulash 14 years ago
I just saw "PHARREN'S RESPONSE TO THIS POST" and I have to say it was AMAZING! I chortled the entire time. 11 out of 10. Pharren Money is simply one of the greatest posters of all time. Take your family and see this post!
ROzbeans 14 years ago

You know you want me.
Vulash 14 years ago
I don't have time for a long post so I'll just go with my quick answer. The duck face reminds us of those dumb sorority girls that go to all the parties, wander around downtown (in college) towns giggling and talking about fashion, and in general being air-headed. Those girls are perceived as being easy. I think the reason they get more messages is as simple as that. I would image the messages they receive are just from guys "gaming" whether for real life play, or just for the attention of picking up chicks (on facebook? I guess they do it I've seen it). They sure don't get messages from guys like me. Honestly, and it may be not be fair, but I see those pictures and immediately classify them in my head as someone I don't want to know - and even loathe a little bit. I feel the same for guys doing those type of shots.
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Vulash wants me too.
Vulash 14 years ago
It's because you're easy
pharren 14 years ago
I'm with Vulash on that, but my upcoming post is about other stuff DONT MISS IT
ROzbeans 14 years ago
I am quite the tart, yes.

No really, the duckface annoys me as well. I just did that one for facebook when I'm feeling stupid and trampy. =D Actually, I know a girl from Alaska, one of the airmen wives that worked for Mike, who has...literally...hundreds of photos of her doing that pose. She's like 30 something now with 2 kids, but don't get me wrong, she's very pretty and maintained her body, but she's brown with blond hair. She's a nice girl but really goes out of her way to fit the stereotype of a duckfacer.
Vulash 14 years ago
Oh I'm sure there are exceptions - people that get trapped up in the fad without stopping to think about it. That doesn't change my perception of it though. Just like there are some really cool sorority girls out there that are in for the volunteering and school - but as soon as I see a gaggle of them I frown. Maybe I'm just a cynical bastard too . I live by a bunch of frats now - woohoo
Vulash 14 years ago
It's like the fact that the jersey shore people actually get laid instead of punched in the appendix daily - best analogy I have.
pharren 14 years ago
I'm with Vulash on that

This was referring to the previous post, not the one about Roz being easy, but that shit was funny so I'll let it stand.
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Pharren would know,
Verileah 14 years ago
but as soon as I see a gaggle of them I frown

Vulash, is it possible that you are aging out of that demographic? Do you see a gaggle of them while you are out on your way to get the early bird special at the local? Do you find yourself frowning at skateboarders, punks, hippies, and god damn kids who walk on your lawn?

Vulash 14 years ago
Just skateboarders - so I'm only 1/4 old
ROzbeans 14 years ago
Take pictures of the walk of shames you see!
Laschae 14 years ago
I think I'm too old for the duckface. I took some pictures doing it and never had the balls to post I just made a weird face and have that as my facebook picture.
pharren 14 years ago
First off, let me say that I have a severe case of performance anxiety thanks to Gongaa and Vulash.

A bunch of stuff with a link to some graphs

Regarding the relative attractiveness of the duckface, I think the data from that study is necessarily skewed. It's from an online dating site. People go there to look for someone to sleep with. I'm with Vulash in thinking that the duckface is found "attractive" by men who are looking for an easy woman. Whether or not they think it's attractive like "Wow, she's hot" or attractive like "Wow, a cheeseburger for $0.99" I can't say. I'm also with Vulash in automatically dropping them down a couple hundred slots in the "People I Might Actually Talk To For More Than Five Minutes" list (and similarly raising them a couple hundred slots in the "People I'd Like To Bitchslap For No Reason" list), but then again, I do the same thing for people with poor grammar or terrible spelling.

The website's data supports this theory of duckface = easy. Yes, women who make the duckface and look into the camera get the most messages from new people per month on this particular dating site, and the "MySpace shot" gets about twice as much. But the chance of any particular message from a new contact turning into a conversation ("conversation" based on the number of messages sent back and forth) was ~20% for the "MySpace shot" compared to 40% for pictures depicting the person doing something interesting ("interesting" meaning scuba diving or playing the guitar, perverts).

I'm sure Verileah and a few others know my stance on "biological imperatives" and the role they play in dictating our actions. My opinion, based on the 0 years of formal education I have had in biology, sociology, and psychology, is that nearly everything we do is goal-oriented with a focus on continuation of the species. So, I look at things like this from an evolutionary standpoint. Women bear and nurture our offspring, men provide food and protection. Obviously, in today's culture, the lines are dramatically blurred, but humans have been around for millions of years. This was not always the case. It's only been the case for a couple thousand years.

So, I think from a genetic standpoint - or maybe it's cultural; I really don't know, but I'm guessing genetic - women are predisposed to an attraction to physically fit men. They are healthy, so their genes would provide good material for offspring. They are strong, so they are able to provide protection from sabertooth tigers and shit. And they are at least somewhat motivated, because six-pack abs don't just happen on their own. A strong, healthy man, who is willing to work for what he wants? Nothing wrong with being attracted to that. And from a purely cultural standpoint, we are conditioned to find those men attractive. During the renaissance, the cultural ideal for physical beauty was plump and pale. But I surmise that even back then, women were getting all hot and bothered over the strong, tanned servants.

The same ideas can be applied to women and cleavage shots. The theory is that breasts represent nourishment for your offspring (and probably some form of memory of their own infancy). And, again, perhaps this is also a mainly cultural thing. I don't know if there are any cultures where men in general are not attracted to women's breasts. Perhaps in those tribal cultures where everyone walks around topless, but I think that can be compared to the difference between the 1800s and women's ankles and the 2000s and women's ankles. If we see an ankle now, big deal. That doesn't mean men don't find women's legs unattractive; it just means we are somewhat desensitized to it.

So, when Verileah says "I think the nature of cleavage is very different than the nature of the ab shot", I tend to disagree. I think any difference is circumstantial in that men have to actively remove parts of their clothing to display their abs, where in today's society, women's cleavage can be on display 24/7. I also disagree, because whereas a man showing off his abs is displaying something he accomplished through hard work, a woman showing off her cleavage is displaying something she accomplished through surgery, or was simply born with. I still think the guy is a douchebag, but that doesn't mean I think the girl is entirely innocent, either. "The abs shot is more 'look at me, I work out, and I have these magnificent abs to offer'." The cleavage shot is "look at me, I was blessed with genes that randomly came together to form these attractive breasts, sort of like I won the genetic lottery." No wonder girls have so many complexes about their bodies.

Obviously, most or none of this applies to homosexuals or others who deviate from sexual norms for whatever reason. I can get into my amateur theories on that, if you're interested, but I thought it was outside the scope of this thread, being outside the scope of the research the thread is based on. And in case you're wondering, no, I don't have anything negative to say there. You're certainly welcome to your own opinion and all, but one of my close family members is homosexual, and if you happen to say anything negative to ME about their sexual orientation, I'll break your face. That being said, if you catch me using "gay" or other terms as a perjorative... well, we can get into that, too, if you wish. I've got all kinds of things to say about all kinds of subjects.

About that "classic blunder"... does it work? Do Wonder Bras work? Of course it works! Even when you know what you're looking at is not the real thing. It serves the purpose of generating interest, therefore, it works. Still... douchebag.

I think I said everything I was planning on saying. It's been a few hours though, so I might have forgotten some stuff.

Oh, PS: that girl has a shuttlecock in her hair. Clever.
Laschae 14 years ago
Thanks for making me look up shuttlecock ! Didn't know those things had a name..